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Word Meanings - BRAWLING - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Quarreling; quarrelsome; noisy. She is an irksome brawling scold. Shak. 2. Making a loud confused noise. See Brawl, v. i., 3. A brawling stream. J. S. Shairp.

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Related words: (words related to BRAWLING)

    Endowed with irritability; susceptible of irritation; capable of being excited to action by the application of certain stimuli. (more info) 1. Capable of being irriated. 2. Very susceptible of anger or passion; easily inflamed or exasperated; as,
    Contested; litigated; litigious; having power to decide controversy. Contentious jurisdiction , jurisdiction over matters in controversy between parties, in contradistinction to voluntary jurisdiction, or that exercised upon matters not opposed
    1. Quarreling; quarrelsome; noisy. She is an irksome brawling scold. Shak. 2. Making a loud confused noise. See Brawl, v. i., 3. A brawling stream. J. S. Shairp.
    In a litigious manner.
    1. Consisting of, containing, or resembling, fire; as, the fiery gulf of Etna; a fiery appearance. And fiery billows roll below. I. Watts. 2. Vehement; ardent; very active; impetuous. Hath thy fiery heart so parched thine entrails Shak. The fiery
    attacks upon, from a lost dim. of petere to fall upon, to attack: cf. 1. Forward; pert; insolent; wanton. Burton. 2. Capriciously fretful; characterized by ill-natured freakishness; irritable. "Petulant moods." Macaulay. Syn. -- Irritable;
    One that brawls; wrangler. Common brawler , one who disturbs a neighborhood by brawling (and is therefore indictable at common law as a nuisance). Wharton.
    Apt or disposed to quarrel; given to brawls and contention; easily irritated or provoked to contest; irascible; choleric. Syn. -- Pugnacious; irritable; irascible; brawling; choleric; fiery; petulant. -- Quar"rel*some*ly, adv. -- Quar"rel*some*ness,
    1. Inclined to judicial contest; given to the practice of contending in law; guarrelsome; contentious; fond of litigation. " A pettifogging attorney or a litigious client." Macaulay. Soldiers find wars, and lawyers find out still Litigious men,
    In a petulant manner.
    Disposed to fight; inclined to fighting; quarrelsome; fighting. --Pug*na"cious*ly, adv. -- Pug*na"cious*ness, n.
    The state of being litigious; disposition to engage in or carry on lawsuits.
    brallen to brag, MHG. prulen, G. prahlen, F. brailler to cry, shout, Pr. brailar, braillar, W. bragal to vociferate, brag, Armor. bragal to romp, to strut, W. broliaw to brag, brawl boast. 1. To quarrel noisily and outrageously. Let a man that
    Prone to anger; easily provoked or inflamed to anger; choleric; irritable; as, an irascible man; an irascible temper or mood. -- I*ras"ci*ble*ness, n. -- I*ras"ci*bly, adv.
    In a brawling manner.
    In a choleric manner; angrily.
    1. Abounding with, or producing choler, or bile. Dryden. 2. Easily irritated; irascible; inclined to anger. 3. Angry; indicating anger; excited by anger. "Choleric speech." Sir W. Raleigh. Choleric temperament, the bilious temperament.
    Not irritable; esp. , incapable of being stimulated to action, as a muscle. -- In*ir`ri*ta*bil"i*ty, n.


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