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Word Meanings - BREAK - Book Publishers vocabulary database

brekan, D. breken, OHG. brehhan, G. brechen, Icel.braka to creak, Sw. braka, bräkka to crack, Dan. brække to break, Goth. brikan to break, 1. To strain apart; to sever by fracture; to divide with violence; as, to break a rope or chain; to break

Additional info about word: BREAK

brekan, D. breken, OHG. brehhan, G. brechen, Icel.braka to creak, Sw. braka, bräkka to crack, Dan. brække to break, Goth. brikan to break, 1. To strain apart; to sever by fracture; to divide with violence; as, to break a rope or chain; to break a seal; to break an axle; to break rocks or coal; to break a lock. Shak. 2. To lay open as by breaking; to divide; as, to break a package of goods. 3. To lay open, as a purpose; to disclose, divulge, or communicate. Katharine, break thy mind to me. Shak. 4. To infringe or violate, as an obligation, law, or promise. Out, out, hyena! these are thy wonted arts . . . To break all faith, all vows, deceive, betray. Milton 5. To interrupt; to destroy the continuity of; to dissolve or terminate; as, to break silence; to break one's sleep; to break one's journey. Go, release them, Ariel; My charms I'll break, their senses I'll restore. Shak. 6. To destroy the completeness of; to remove a part from; as, to break a set. 7. To destroy the arrangement of; to throw into disorder; to pierce; as, the cavalry were not able to break the British squares. 8. To shatter to pieces; to reduce to fragments. The victim broke in pieces the musical instruments with which he had solaced the hours of captivity. Prescott. 9. To exchange for other money or currency of smaller denomination; as, to break a five dollar bill. 10. To destroy the strength, firmness, or consistency of; as, to break flax. 11. To weaken or impair, as health, spirit, or mind. An old man, broken with the storms of state. Shak. 12. To diminish the force of; to lessen the shock of, as a fall or blow. I'll rather leap down first, and break your fall. Dryden. 13. To impart, as news or information; to broach; -- with to, and often with a modified word implying some reserve; as, to break the news gently to the widow; to break a purpose cautiously to a friend. 14. To tame; to reduce to subjection; to make tractable; to discipline; as, to break a horse to the harness or saddle. "To break a colt." Spenser. Why, then thou canst not break her to the lute Shak. 15. To destroy the financial credit of; to make bankrupt; to ruin. With arts like these rich Matho, when he speaks, Attracts all fees, and little lawyers breaks. Dryden. 16. To destroy the official character and standing of; to cashier; to dismiss. I see a great officer broken. Swift. Note: With prepositions or adverbs: --To break down. To crush; to overwhelm; as, to break down one's strength; to break down opposition. To remove, or open a way through, by breaking; as, to break down a door or wall. -- To break in. To force in; as, to break in a door. To train; to discipline; as, a horse well broken in. -- To break of, to rid of; to cause to abandon; as, to break one of a habit. -- To break off. To separate by breaking; as, to break off a twig. To stop suddenly; to abandon. "Break off thy sins by righteousness." Dan. iv. 27. -- To break open, to open by breaking. "Open the door, or I will break it open." Shak. -- To break out, to take or force out by breaking; as, to break out a pane of glass. -- To break out a cargo, to unstow a cargo, so as to unload it easily. -- To break through. To make an opening through, as, as by violence or the force of gravity; to pass violently through; as, to break through the enemy's lines; to break through the ice. To disregard; as, to break through the ceremony. -- To break up. To separate into parts; to plow (new or fallow ground). "Break up this capon." Shak. "Break up your fallow ground." Jer. iv. 3. To dissolve; to put an end to. "Break up the court." Shak. -- To break all up, to unsettle or disconcert completely; to upset. Note: With an immediate object: -To break the back. To dislocate the backbone; hence, to disable totally. To get through the worst part of; as, to break the back of a difficult undertaking. -- To break bulk, to destroy the entirety of a load by removing a portion of it; to begin to unload; also, to transfer in detail, as from boats to cars. -- To break cover, to burst forth from a protecting concealment, as game when hunted. -- To break a deer or stag, to cut it up and apportion the parts among those entitled to a share. -- To break fast, to partake of food after abstinence. See Breakfast. -- To break ground. To open the earth as for planting; to commence excavation, as for building, siege operations, and the like; as, to break ground for a foundation, a canal, or a railroad. Fig.: To begin to execute any plan. To release the anchor from the bottom. -- To break the heart, to crush or overwhelm with grief. -- To break a house , to remove or set aside with violence and a felonious intent any part of a house or of the fastenings provided to secure it. -- To break the ice, to get through first difficulties; to overcome obstacles and make a beginning; to introduce a subject. -- To break jail, to escape from confinement in jail, usually by forcible means. -- To break a jest, to utter a jest. "Patroclus . . . the livelong day break scurril jests." Shak. -- To break joints, to lay or arrange bricks, shingles, etc., so that the joints in one course shall not coincide with those in the preceding course. -- To break a lance, to engage in a tilt or contest. -- To break the neck, to dislocate the joints of the neck. -- To break no squares, to create no trouble. -- To break a path, road, etc., to open a way through obstacles by force or labor. -- To break upon a wheel, to execute or torture, as a criminal by stretching him upon a wheel, and breaking his limbs with an iron bar; -- a mode of punishment formerly employed in some countries. -- To break wind, to give vent to wind from the anus. Syn. -- To dispart; rend; tear; shatter; batter; violate; infringe; demolish; destroy; burst; dislocate.

Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of BREAK)

Related words: (words related to BREAK)

    A simple infinitive with to, having a modifier between the verb and the to; as in, to largely decrease. Called also cleft infinitive.
    p. p. of Burst, v. i.
    1. An individual of marked ability or excellence, esp. in some sport; as, he is a crackajack at tennis. 2. A preparation of popped corn, candied and pressed into small cakes.
    berstan (pers. sing. berste, imp. sing. bærst, imp. pl. burston, p.p. borsten); akin to D. bersten, G. bersten, OHG. brestan, OS. brestan, 1. To fly apart or in pieces; of break open; to yield to force or pressure, especially to a sudden
    Capable of being broken.
    A medicine that relaxes; a laxative.
    A variety of calcite, so called from its slaty structure; -- called also slate spar.
    1. To meet in the way of opposition; to come into conflict with; to oppose; to contradict; to obstruct the operation of; to defeat. So plain a proposition . . . was not likely to be contravened. Southey. 2. To violate; to nullify; to
    To interrupt the continuance of; to intermit, as a practice or habit; to put an end to; to cause to cease; to cease using, to stop; to leave off. Set up their conventicles again, which had been discontinued. Bp. Burnet. I have discontinued school
    The Fissipedia.
    One who infringes or violates; a violator. Strype.
    Disordered or wandering in intellect; hence, heedless; wild. J. Goodman.
    To dissolve the union or connection of; to disunite; to sever; to separate; to disperse. The commonwealth itself would . . . be disconnected into the dust and powder of individuality. Burke. This restriction disconnects bank paper and the precious
    Having an impaired intellect; whimsical; crazy. Pope.
    The act of disconnecting, or state of being disconnected; separation; want of union. Nothing was therefore to be left in all the subordinate members but weakness, disconnection, and confusion. Burke.
    Having the quality of relaxing; laxative. -- n.
    1. The act of interrupting, or breaking in upon. 2. The state of being interrupted; a breach or break, caused by the abrupt intervention of something foreign; intervention; interposition. Sir M. Hale. Lest the interruption of time cause you to
    Causing, or tending to cause, disruption; caused by disruption; breaking through; bursting; as, the disruptive discharge of an electrical battery. Nichol.
    = Point switch.
    Any apparatus for making and breaking an electric circuit; a circuit breaker.
    One who disobeys the law; a criminal. -- Law"break`ing, n. & a.
    To shiver or break in pieces.
    A burst of sunlight.
    One who breaks jests; a joker. Shak.
    The violation of an oath; perjury. Shak
    One who disturbs the public peace. -- Peace"break`ing, n.


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