Word Meanings - CAUTIOUS - Book Publishers vocabulary database
Attentive to examine probable effects and consequences of acts with a view to avoid danger or misfortune; prudent; circumspect; wary; watchful; as, a cautious general. Cautious feeling for another's pain. Byron. Be swift to hear; but cautious of
Additional info about word: CAUTIOUS
Attentive to examine probable effects and consequences of acts with a view to avoid danger or misfortune; prudent; circumspect; wary; watchful; as, a cautious general. Cautious feeling for another's pain. Byron. Be swift to hear; but cautious of your tongue. Watts. Syn. -- Wary; watchful; vigilant; prudent; circumspect; discreet; heedful; thoughtful; scrupulous; anxious; careful. -- Cautious, Wary, Circumspect. A man is cautious who realizes the constant possibility of danger; one may be wary, and yet bold and active; a man who is circumspect habitually examines things on every side in order to weigh and deliberate. It is necessary to be cautious at all times; to be wary in cases of extraordinary danger; to be circumspect in matters of peculiar delicacy and difficulty.
Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of CAUTIOUS)
- Afraid
- Fearful
- apprehensive
- timid
- timorous
- cowardly
- fainthearted
- cautious
- careful
- frightened
- alarmed
- terrified
- suspicious
- distrustful
- anxious
- Calculating
- Wary
- circumspect
- sagacious
- farsighted
- guarded
- Circumspect
- Cautious
- wary
- heedful
- attentive
- prudent
- watchful
- scrupulous
- vigilant
- Considerate
- Thoughtful
- forbearing
- unselfish
- judicious
- serious
- reflective
- Discreet
- Discerning
- wise
- regulative
- sensible
Related words: (words related to CAUTIOUS)
1. Grave in manner or disposition; earnest; thoughtful; solemn; not light, gay, or volatile. He is always serious, yet there is about his manner a graceful ease. Macaulay. 2. Really intending what is said; being in earnest; not jesting - ANXIOUSLY
In an anxious manner; with painful uncertainty; solicitously. - DISCERNANCE
Discernment. - GUARDIAN
One who has, or is entitled to, the custody of the person or property of an infant, a minor without living parents, or a person incapable of managing his own affairs. Of the several species of guardians, the first are guardians by nature. -- viz., - GUARDANT
See GARDANT (more info) 1. Acting as guardian. Shak. - GUARDIANSHIP
The office, duty, or care, of a guardian; protection; care; watch. - CIRCUMSPECTNESS
Vigilance un guarding against evil from every quarter; caution. forces circumspectness on those abroad, who at home are nursed in security. Sir H. Wotton. - APPREHENSIVENESS
The quality or state of being apprehensive. - GUARDIANESS
A female guardian. I have placed a trusty, watchful guardianess. Beau. & Fl. - GUARDIANLESS
Without a guardian. Marston. - CALCULATED
1. Worked out by calculation; as calculated tables for computing interest; ascertained or conjectured as a result of calculation; as, the calculated place of a planet; the calculated velocity of a cannon ball. 2. Adapted by calculation, - FEARFULNESS
The state of being fearful. - GUARDER
One who guards. - GUARDS
A body of picked troops; as, "The Household Guards." - ALARM
1. A summons to arms, as on the approach of an enemy. Arming to answer in a night alarm. Shak. 2. Any sound or information intended to give notice of approaching danger; a warming sound to arouse attention; a warning of danger. Sound an alarm in - DISCERNINGLY
In a discerning manner; with judgment; judiciously; acutely. Garth. - CALCULATION
1. The act or process, or the result, of calculating; computation; reckoning, estimate. "The calculation of eclipses." Nichol. The mountain is not so his calculation makes it. Boyle. 2. An expectation based on cirumstances. The lazy gossips of - DISCERNMENT
1. The act of discerning. 2. The power or faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes one thing from another; power of viewing differences in objects, and their relations and tendencies; penetrative and discriminate mental vision; acuteness; - CAREFULLY
In a careful manner. - JUDICIOUS
Of or relating to a court; judicial. His last offenses to us Shall have judicious hearing. Shak. 2. Directed or governed by sound judgment; having sound judgment; wise; prudent; sagacious; discreet. He is noble, wise, judicious, and best knows The - COUNTERGUARD
A low outwork before a bastion or ravelin, consisting of two lines of rampart parallel to the faces of the bastion, and protecting them from a breaching fire. - INSENSIBLENESS
Insensibility. Bp. Hall. - PRECALCULATE
To calculate or determine beforehand; to prearrange. Masson. - INCAUTIOUS
Not cautious; not circumspect; not attending to the circumstances on which safety and interest depend; heedless; careless; as, an incautious step; an incautious remark. You . . . incautious tread On fire with faithless embers overspread. Francis. - FATIMITE; FATIMIDE
Descended from Fatima, the daughter and only child of Mohammed. -- n.