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Word Meanings - CHEAPEN - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To beat down the price of; to lessen the value of; to depreciate. Pope. My proffered love has cheapened me. Dryden. (more info) to D. koopen to buy, G. kaufen, Icel. kaupa, Goth. kaupon to trade. 1. To ask the price of; to bid, bargain, or chaffer

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To beat down the price of; to lessen the value of; to depreciate. Pope. My proffered love has cheapened me. Dryden. (more info) to D. koopen to buy, G. kaufen, Icel. kaupa, Goth. kaupon to trade. 1. To ask the price of; to bid, bargain, or chaffer for. Pretend to cheapen goods, but nothing buy. Swift. 2. Etym:

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    Slanderous. Entick.
    One who defames; a slanderer; a detractor; a calumniator.
    1. Given or disposed to slander; uttering slander. "Slanderous tongue." Shak. 2. Embodying or containing slander; calumnious; as, slanderous words, speeches, or reports. -- Slan"der*ous*ly, adv. -- Slan"der*ous*ness, n.
    The act of traducing; misrepresentation; ill-founded censure; defamation; calumny. Shak.
    Turned upside down from its proper position; inverted; reversed.
    Formerly, defamation generally, whether oral or written; in modern usage, defamation by words spoken; utterance of false, malicious, and defamatory words, tending to the damage and derogation of another; calumny. See the Note under Defamation.
    To cry down; to censure as faulty, mean, or worthless; to clamor against; to blame clamorously; to discredit; to disparage. For small errors they whole plays decry. Dryden. Measures which are extolled by one half of the kingdom are naturally decried
    1. To make vile; to debase; to degrade; to disgrace. When themselves they vilified To serve ungoverned appetite. Milton. 2. To degrade or debase by report; to defame; to traduce; to calumniate. I. Taylor. Many passions dispose us to depress and
    To make worse; to make inferior in quality or value; to impair; as, to deteriorate the mind. Whately. The art of war . . . was greatly deteriorated. Southey. (more info) deteriorate, fr. deterior worse, prob. a comparative fr. de down,
    Deprivation of rank or office; degradation. Milton.
    1. One who spoils; a plunderer; a pillager; a robber; a despoiler. 2. One who corrupts, mars, or renders useless.
    as a spectacle, disgrace, transfer, derive; trans across, over + ducere to lead: cf. F. traduire to transfer, translate, arraign, fr. 1. To transfer; to transmit; to hand down; as, to traduce mental qualities to one's descendants. Glanvill. 2.
    One who serves a cause or a party for a share of the spoils; in United States politics, one who makes or recognizes a demand for public office on the ground of partisan service; also, one who sanctions such a policy in appointments to the public
    Capable of being spoiled.
    One who asperses; especially, one who vilifies another.
    To degenerate; to pass from a higher to a lower type of structure; as, a family of plants or animals degrades through this or that genus or group of genera.
    1. Improper treatment or use; application to a wrong or bad purpose; misuse; as, an abuse of our natural powers; an abuse of civil rights, or of privileges or advantages; an abuse of language. Liberty may be endangered by the abuses of liberty,
    One who slanders; a defamer; a calumniator. Jer. Taylor.
    One who abuses .
    One who promises or distributes public offices and their emoluments as the price of services to a party or its leaders.
    An inhabitant of an island.
    1. To plunder; to strip by violence; to pillage; to rob; -- with of before the name of the thing taken; as, to spoil one of his goods or possession. "Ye shall spoil the Egyptians." Ex. iii. 22. My sons their old, unhappy sire despise, Spoiled of
    1. The abuse of one's own self, powers, or faculties. 2. Self-deception; delusion. Shak. 3. Masturbation; onanism; self-pollution.
    despoliatum; de- + spoliare to strip, rob, spolium spoil, booty. Cf. 1. To strip, as of clothing; to divest or unclothe. Chaucer. 2. To deprive for spoil; to plunder; to rob; to pillage; to strip; to divest; -- usually followed by of. The clothed
    fr. L. diffamare ; dis- (in this word 1. To harm or destroy the good fame or reputation of; to disgrace; especially, to speak evil of maliciously; to dishonor by slanderous reports; to calumniate; to asperse. 2. To render infamous; to bring into


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