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Word Meanings - COMMATERIAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Consisting of the same material. Bacon.

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    The back and sides of a pig salted and smoked; formerly, the flesh of a pig salted or fresh. Bacon beetle , a beetle which, especially in the larval state, feeds upon bacon, woolens, furs, etc. See Dermestes. -- To save one's bacon, to save one's
    Of or pertaining to Lord Bacon, or to his system of philosophy. Baconian method, the inductive method. See Induction.
    In a consistent manner.
    1. To stand firm; to be in a fixed or permanent state, as a body composed of parts in union or connection; to hold together; to be; to exist; to subsist; to be supported and maintained. He is before all things, and by him all things consist. Col.
    Pertaining to a Presbyterian consistory; -- a contemptuous term of 17th century controversy. You fall next on the consistorian schismatics; for so you call Presbyterians. Milton.
    The state of being material.
    1. The condition of standing or adhering together, or being fixed in union, as the parts of a body; existence; firmness; coherence; solidity. Water, being divided, maketh many circles, till it restore itself to the natural consistence. Bacon. We
    The spiritual court of a diocesan bishop held before his chancellor or commissioner in his cathedral church or elsewhere. Hook. (more info) consistorium a place of assembly, the place where the emperor's council met, fr. consistere: cf.
    Of or pertaining to materialism or materialists; of the nature of materialism. But to me his very spiritualism seemed more materialistic than his physics. C. Kingsley.
    1. Possessing firmness or fixedness; firm; hard; solid. The humoral and consistent parts of the body. Harvey. 2. Having agreement with itself or with something else; having harmony among its parts; possesing unity; accordant; harmonious; congruous;
    Of or pertaining to a consistory. "Consistorial laws." Hooker. "Consistorial courts." Bp. Hoadley.
    1. The doctrine of materialists; materialistic views and tenets. The irregular fears of a future state had been supplanted by the materialism of Epicurus. Buckminster. 2. The tendency to give undue importance to material interests; devotion to
    The act of materializing, or the state of being materialized.
    1. One who denies the existence of spiritual substances or agents, and maintains that spiritual phenomena, so called, are the result of some peculiar organization of matter. 2. One who holds to the existence of matter, as distinguished from the
    1. The quality or state of being material; material existence; corporeity. 2. Importance; as, the materiality of facts.
    1. In the state of matter. I do not mean that anything is separable from a body by fire that was not materially preƫxistent in it. Boyle. 2. In its essence; substantially. An ill intention is certainly sufficient to spoil . . . an act in itself
    To make visable in, or as in, a material form; -- said of spirits. A female spirit form temporarily materialized, and not distinguishable from a human being. Epes Sargent. (more info) 1. To invest wich material characteristics; to make perceptible
    Pertaining to the matter, as opposed to the form, of a thing. See Matter. Material cause. See under Cause. -- Material evidence , evidence which conduces to the proof or disproof of a relevant hypothesis. Wharton. Syn. -- Corporeal; bodily;
    One who believes in or professes, immaterialism.
    1. Not consisting of matter; incorporeal; spiritual; disembodied. Angels are spirits immaterial and intellectual. Hooker. 2. Of no substantial consequence; without weight or significance; unimportant; as, it is wholly immaterial whether he does
    In an inconsistent manner.
    To deprive of material or physical qualities or characteristics. Dematerializing matter by stripping if of everything which . . . has distinguished matter. Milman.
    1. The quality or state of being inconsistent; discordance in respect to sentiment or action; such contrariety between two things that both can not exist or be true together; disagreement; incompatibility. There is a perfect inconsistency between
    1. In an immaterial manner; without matter or corporeal substance. 2. In an unimportant manner or degree.
    Consisting of the same material. Bacon.
    Being above, or superior to, matter.
    Consistent with one's self or with itself; not deviation from the ordinary standard by which the conduct is guided; logically consistent throughout; having each part consistent with the rest.


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