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Word Meanings - CONGLOMERATE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Closely crowded together; densly clustered; as, conglomerate flowers. Gray. (more info) 1. Gathered into a ball or a mass; collected together; concentrated; as, conglomerate rays of light. Beams of light when they are multiplied and conglomerate.

Additional info about word: CONGLOMERATE

Closely crowded together; densly clustered; as, conglomerate flowers. Gray. (more info) 1. Gathered into a ball or a mass; collected together; concentrated; as, conglomerate rays of light. Beams of light when they are multiplied and conglomerate. Bacon. Fluids are separated in the liver and the other conglobate and conglomerate glands. Cheyne.

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    Giving dismission.
    Dismission; discharge. Officeholders were commanded faithfully to enforce it, upon pain of immediate dismissal. Motley.
    To heap up in a mass; to pile up; to collect or bring together; to amass; as, to accumulate a sum of money. Syn. -- To collect; pile up; store; amass; gather; aggregate; heap together; hoard.
    1. To send away; to give leave of departure; to cause or permit to go; to put away. He dismissed the assembly. Acts xix. 41. Dismiss their cares when they dismiss their flock. Cowper. Though he soon dismissed himself from state affairs. Dryden.
    1. To twist or interweave in such a manner as not to be easily separated; to make tangled, confused, and intricate; as, to entangle yarn or the hair. 2. To involve in such complications as to render extrication a bewildering difficulty; hence,
    To collect into one place or body; to bring or call together; to convene; to congregate. Thither he assembled all his train. Milton. All the men of Israel assembled themselves. 1 Kings viii. 2. (more info) together to collect; L. ad +
    Scattered. -- Dis*pers"ed*ly, adv. -- Dis*pers"ed*ness, n. Dispersed harmony , harmony in which the tones composing the chord are widely separated, as by an octave or more.
    To unite, or cause to adhere, as with glue or other viscous substance; to unite by causing an adhesion of substances.
    An apparatus for receiving and condensing the volatile products of distillation to a liquid or solid form, by cooling. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, condenses. 2. An instrument for condensing air or other elastic fluids, consisting
    To draw or bring to a center point; to gather into or about a center; to bring into one system, or under one control. centralize the power of government. Bancroft.
    To make local; to fix in, or assign to, a definite place. H. Spencer. Wordsworth.
    One to whom a remittance is sent.
    Coalesced; united; combined.
    State of being entangled; intricate and confused involution; that which entangles; intricacy; perplexity.
    A state of confusion. Norris.
    One who assembles a number of individuals; also, one of a number assembled.
    1. To bring to, or direct toward, a common center; to unite more closely; to gather into one body, mass, or force; to fix; as, to concentrate rays of light into a focus; to concentrate the attention. concentrated whole force at his own
    1. To scatter abroad; to drive to different parts; to distribute; to diffuse; to spread; as, the Jews are dispersed among all nations. The lips of the wise disperse knowledge. Prov. xv. 7. Two lions, in the still, dark night, A herd of
    A remitting; a giving up; surrender; as, the remittal of the first fruits. Swift.
    The act of remitting, or the state of being remitted; remission. Disavowing the remitment of Claudius. Milton.
    Supremacy. Fuller.
    A hermit. Thou art my heaven, and I thy eremite. Keats.
    Of or pertaining to a hermit; solitary; secluded from society. Pope.
    Not dispersed.
    To assemble again.
    A genus of crinoids belonging to the Blastoidea. They have five petal-like ambulacra.
    A hermit. Bp. Hall.
    The state of a hermit; a living in seclusion from social life.


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