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Word Meanings - DISAFFIRMANCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Overthrow or annulment by the decision of a superior tribunal; as, disaffirmance of judgment. (more info) 1. The act of disaffirming; denial; negation.

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    The final award; the last sentence. Note: Judgment, abridgment, acknowledgment, and lodgment are in England sometimes written, judgement, abridgement, acknowledgement, and lodgement. Note: Judgment is used adjectively in many self-explaining
    1. To throw over; to overturn; to upset; to turn upside down. His wife overthrew the table. Jer. Taylor. 2. To cause to fall or to fail; to subvert; to defeat; to make a ruin of; to destroy. When the walls of Thebes he overthrew. Dryden. that seeks
    1. The seat of a judge; the bench on which a judge and his associates sit for administering justice. 2. Hence, a court or forum; as, the House of Lords, in England, is the highest tribunal in the kingdom.
    In a superior position or manner.
    The quality, state, or condition of being superior; as, superiority of rank; superiority in merit. Syn. -- Preëminence; excellence; predominancy; prevalence; ascendency; odds; advantage.
    1. Cutting off; division; detachment of a part. Bp. Pearson. 2. The act of deciding; act of settling or terminating, as a controversy, by giving judgment on the matter at issue; determination, as of a question or doubt; settlement; conclusion.
    1. The act of gainsaying, refusing, or disowning; negation; -- the contrary of affirmation. You ought to converse with so much sincerity that your bare affirmation or denial may be sufficient. Bp. Stillingfleet. 2. A refusal to admit the truth
    Overthrow or annulment by the decision of a superior tribunal; as, disaffirmance of judgment. (more info) 1. The act of disaffirming; denial; negation.
    A woman who acts as chief in a convent, abbey, or nunnery; a lady superior.
    Description or definition by denial, exclusion, or exception; statement of what a thing is not, or has not, from which may be inferred what it is or has. (more info) not + the root of aio I say; cf. Gr. ah to say; cf. F. négation. See 1. The act
    The act of annulling; abolition; invalidation.
    To refuse to confirm; to annul, as a judicial decision, by a contrary judgment of a superior tribunal. (more info) 1. To assert the contrary of; to contradict; to deny; -- said of that which has been asserted.
    1. More elevated in place or position; higher; upper; as, the superior limb of the sun; the superior part of an image. 2. Higher in rank or office; more exalted in dignity; as, a superior officer; a superior degree of nobility. 3. Higher or greater
    The act of disaffirming; negation; refutation.
    The permanent court of arbitration created by the "International Convention for the Pacific Settle of International Disputes.", adopted by the International Peace Conference of 1899. It is composed of persons of known competency in questions of
    Complete annulment.
    The act of prejudging; decision before sufficient examination.
    A wrong or unjust judgment.
    Self-denial; self-renunciation; self-sacrifice.
    a denial; a renunciation. With abnegation of God, of his honor, and of religion, they may retain the friendship of the court. Knox.
    The denial of one's self; forbearing to gratify one's own desires; self-sacrifice.
    Want of decision; want of settled purpose, or of firmness; indetermination; wavering of mind; irresolution; vacillation; hesitation. The term indecision . . . implies an idea very nicely different from irresolution; yet it has a tendency to produce
    Prejudgment. Spenser.
    The act of adjudging; judicial decision; adjudication. Sir W. Temple.


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