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Word Meanings - DISGUSTING - Book Publishers vocabulary database

That causes disgust; sickening; offensive; revolting. -- Dis*gust"ing*ly, adv.

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    See 1
    1. Giving offense; causing displeasure or resentment; displeasing; annoying; as, offensive words. 2. Giving pain or unpleasant sensations; disagreeable; revolting; noxious; as, an offensive smell; offensive sounds. "Offensive to the stomach."
    Not delicate; wanting delicacy; offensive to good manners, or to purity of mind; coarse; rude; as, an indelicate word or suggestion; indelicate behavior. Macaulay. -- In*del"i*cate*ly, adv. Syn. -- Indecorous; unbecoming; unseemly; rude; coarse;
    In an immodest manner.
    Using language scurrilous, opprobrious, obscene, or profane; abusive. So foul-mouthed a witness never appeared in any cause. Addison.
    Having a thick and bushy head of hair.
    A lot consisting of sixty pieces; -- a term applied in some Baltic ports to loose goods. (more info) quantity, threescore, MHG. schoc, Sw. skok, and also G. hocke a heap 1. A pile or assemblage of sheaves of grain, as wheat, rye, or the like, set
    1. Abhorring; detesting; having or showing abhorrence; loathing; hence, strongly opposed to; as, abhorrent thoughts. The persons most abhorrent from blood and treason. Burke. The arts of pleasure in despotic courts I spurn abhorrent. Clover. 2.
    Provoking disgust; offensive to the taste; exciting aversion; disgusting. That horrible and disgustful situation. Burke.
    Not decent; unfit to be seen or heard; offensive to modesty and delicacy; as, indecent language. Cowper. Syn. -- Unbecoming; indecorous; indelicate; unseemly; immodest; gross; shameful; impure; improper; obscene; filthy.
    Etym: 1. To turn away; to abandon or reject something; specifically, to turn away, or shrink, with abhorrence. But this got by casting pearl to hogs, That bawl for freedom in their senseless mood, And still revolt when trith would set them free.
    1. Serving, or able, to repulse; repellent; as, a repulsive force. Repulsive of his might the weapon stood. Pope. 2. Cold; forbidding; offensive; as, repulsive manners. -- Re*pul"sive*ly, adv. -- Re*pul"sive*ness, n.
    Not purified according to the ceremonial law of Moses; unclean. (more info) 1. Not pure; not clean; dirty; foul; filthy; containing something which is unclean or unwholesome; mixed or impregnated extraneous substances; adulterated; as, impure water
    Want of modesty, delicacy, or decent reserve; indecency. "A piece of immodesty." Pope.
    1. Not limited to due bounds; immoderate. 2. Not modest; wanting in the reserve or restraint which decorum and decency require; indecent; indelicate; obscene; lewd; as, immodest persons, behavior, words, pictures, etc. Immodest deeds you hinder
    To provoke disgust or strong distaste in; to cause loathing, as of the stomach; to excite aversion in; to offend the moral taste of; -- often with at, with, or by. To disgust him with the world and its vanities. Prescott. Ærius is expressly
    hisdous, F. hideux: cf. OF. hide, hisde, fright; of uncertain origin; cf. OHG. egidi horror, or L. hispidosus, for hispidus rough, bristly, 1. Frightful, shocking, or offensive to the eyes; dreadful to behold; as, a hideous monster; hideous looks.
    The state of being disgustful.
    The state or quality of being horrible; dreadfulness; hideousness. The horribleness of the mischief. Sir P. Sidney.
    Causing abhorrence mixed with disgust; exciting extreme repugnance; loathsome; as, revolting cruelty. -- Re*volt"ing*ly, adv.
    1. Giving no offense, or provocation; causing no uneasiness, annoyance, or disturbance; as, an inoffensive man, answer, appearance. 2. Harmless; doing no injury or mischief. Dryden. 3. Not obstructing; presenting no interruption bindrance. Milton.


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