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Word Meanings - DISHARMONY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Want of harmony; discord; incongruity.

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Related words: (words related to DISHARMONY)

    That may produce discord; disagreeing; discordant. Halliwell.
    Change of termination of words, as in declension, conjugation, derivation, etc. (more info) 1. The act of varying; a partial change in the form, position, state, or qualities of a thing; modification; alternation; mutation; diversity; deviation;
    1. The state or quality of being contrary; opposition; repugnance; disagreement; antagonism. There is a contrariety between those things that conscience inclines to, and those that entertain the senses. South. 2. Something which is contrary to,
    An addition to a coat of arms to distinguish the bearings of two persons, which would otherwise be the same. See Augmentation, and Marks of cadency, under Cadency. (more info) 1. The act of differing; the state or measure of being different or
    Full of discord.
    State or quality of being discordant; disagreement; inconsistency. There will arise a thousand discordances of opinion. I. Taylor.
    discordant, F. discordant, p. pr. of discorder, OF. also, descorder. 1. Disagreeing; incongruous; being at variance; clashing; opposing; not harmonious. The discordant elements out of which the emperor had compounded his realm did not coalesce.
    Union of musical sounds which strikes the ear harshly or disagreeably, owing to the incommensurability of the vibrations which they produce; want of musical concord or harmony; a chord demanding resolution into a concord. For a discord itself is
    1. The state of disagreeing; a being at variance; dissimilitude; diversity. 2. Unsuitableness; unadaptedness. 3. Difference of opinion or sentiment. 4. A falling out, or controversy; difference. Syn. -- Difference; diversity; dissimilitude;
    1. A mingling of discordant sounds; an inharmonious combination of sounds; discord. Filled the air with barbarous dissonance. Milton. 2. Want of agreement; incongruity. Milton.
    Full of discord; contentious. "His discordful dame." Spenser.
    Want of harmony; discord; incongruity.
    1. The quality or state of being indifferent, or not making a difference; want of sufficient importance to constitute a difference; absence of weight; insignificance. 2. Passableness; mediocrity. 3. Impartiality; freedom from prejudice,
    The state or quality of being discrepant; disagreement; variance; discordance; dissimilarity; contrariety. There hath been ever a discrepance of vesture of youth and age, men and women. Sir T. Elyot. There is no real discrepancy between these two


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