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Word Meanings - DISREGARD - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Not to regard; to pay no heed to; to omit to take notice of; to neglect to observe; to slight as unworthy of regard or notice; as, to disregard the admonitions of conscience. Studious of good, man disregarded fame. Blackmore.

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Possible antonyms: (opposite words of DISREGARD)

Related words: (words related to DISREGARD)

    Negligently; heedlessly.
    Giving dismission.
    The quality or state of being slight; slenderness; feebleness; superficiality; also, formerly, negligence; indifference; disregard.
    Excuse. Gower.
    A release, by a sovereign, or officer having jurisdiction, from the penalties of an offense, being distinguished from amenesty, which is a general obliteration and canceling of a particular line of past offenses. Syn. -- Forgiveness; remission.
    1. Worthy of honor; fit to be esteemed or regarded; estimable; illustrious. Thy name and honorable family. Shak. 2. High-minded; actuated by principles of honor, or a scrupulous regard to probity, rectitude, or reputation. 3. Proceeding from an
    With consideration or deliberation.
    Dismission; discharge. Officeholders were commanded faithfully to enforce it, upon pain of immediate dismissal. Motley.
    Etym: 1. To view or see again; to look back on "I shall review Sicilia." Shak. 2. To go over and examine critically or deliberately. Specifically: To reconsider; to revise, as a manuscript before printing it, or a book for a new edition. To go
    One who inspects, views, or oversees; one to whom the supervision of any work is committed; one who makes an official view or examination, as a military or civil officer; a superintendent; a supervisor; an overseer. Inspector general , a staff
    1. To set a value on; to appreciate the worth of; to estimate; to value; to reckon. Then he forsook God, which made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation. Deut. xxxii. 15. Thou shouldst esteem his censure and authority to be of
    To slight. B. Jonson.
    Disdainfully. Vives.
    The quality or state of being negligent; lack of due diligence or care; omission of duty; habitual neglect; heedlessness. 2. An act or instance of negligence or carelessness. remarking his beauties, ... I must also point out his negligences and
    1. To free from accusation, or the imputation of fault or blame; to clear from guilt; to release from a charge; to justify by extenuating a fault; to exculpate; to absolve; to acquit. A man's persuasion that a thing is duty, will not excuse him
    Full of disdain; expressing disdain; scornful; contemptuous; haughty. From these Turning disdainful to an equal good. Akenside. -- Dis*dain"ful*ly, adv. -- Dis*dain"ful*ness, n.
    One who disesteems. Boyle.
    In a slighting manner.
    1. The state of being honorable; eminence; distinction. 2. Conformity to the principles of honor, probity, or moral rectitude; fairness; uprightness; reputableness.
    Capable of being reviewed.
    To treat with scorn. "Then was he bescorned." Chaucer.
    Want of respectability. Thackeray.
    Not considered or attended to; not regarded; inconsiderable; trifling. A snapper-up of unconsidered trifles. Shak.
    To observe inaccurately; to mistake in observing. Locke.
    Want of due consideration; inattention to consequences; inconsiderateness. Blindness of mind, inconsideration, precipitation. Jer. Taylor. Not gross, willful, deliberate, crimes; but rather the effects of inconsideration. Sharp.
    Want of esteem; disrespect. Johnson.


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