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Word Meanings - DISRESPECTFUL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Wanting in respect; manifesting disesteem or lack of respect; uncivil; as, disrespectful behavior. -- Dis`re*spect"ful*ly, adv. -- Dis`re*spect"ful*ness, n.

Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of DISRESPECTFUL)

Related words: (words related to DISRESPECTFUL)

    Bold, with contempt or disregard; unblushingly forward; impertinent; wanting modesty; shameless; saucy. More than impudent sauciness. Shak. When we behold an angel, not to fear Is to be impudent. Dryden. Syn. -- Shameless; audacious; brazen;
    In an insolent manner.
    An agreement; a covenant; a promise. Tell us a tale anon, as forward is. Chaucer.
    In a contemptuous manner; with scorn or disdain; despitefully. The apostles and most eminent Christians were poor, and used contemptuously. Jer. Taylor.
    Manifecting or expressing contempt or disdain; scornful; haughty; insolent; disdainful. A proud, contemptious behavior. Hammond. Savage invectiveand contemptuous sarcasm. Macaulay. Rome . . . entertained the most contemptuous opinion of the Jews.
    Expressing, serving for, or characterized by, derision. "Derisive taunts." Pope. -- De*ri"sive*ly, adv. -- De*ri"sive*ness, n.
    Eagerly; hastily; obtrusively.
    The quality of being forward; cheerful readiness; promtness; as, the forwardness of Christians in propagating the gospel. 2. An advanced stage of progress or of preparation; advancement; as, his measures were in great forwardness. Robertson. 3.
    State or quality of being flippant.
    1. Showing impertinent boldness or pertness; transgressing the rules of decorum; treating superiors with contempt; impudent; insolent; as, a saucy fellow. Am I not protector, saucy priest Shak. 2. Expressive of, or characterized by, impudence;
    limber, pliant, or Icel. fleipa to babble, prattle. Cf. Flip, Fillip, 1. Of smooth, fluent, and rapid speech; speaking with ease and rapidity; having a voluble tongue; talkative. It becometh good men, in such cases, to be flippant and free in their
    One employed in forwarding. (more info) 1. One who forwards or promotes; a promoter. Udall. 2. One who sends forward anything; one who transmits goods; a forwarding merchant.
    The process of putting a book into its cover, and making it ready for the finisher. (more info) 1. The act of one who forwards; the act or occupation of transmitting merchandise or other property for others.
    1. Deviating from that which is customary; novel; strange; unusual. If one chance to derive any word from the Latin which is insolent to their ears . . . they forth with make a jest at it. Petti If any should accuse me of being new or insolent.
    Toward a part or place before or in front; onward; in advance; progressively; -- opposed to backward. (more info) -weardes; akin to G. vorwärts. The s is properly a genitive ending.
    1. Full of scorn or contempt; contemptuous; disdainful. Scornful of winter's frost and summer's sun. Prior. Dart not scornful glances from those eyes. Shak. 2. Treated with scorn; exciting scorn. The scornful mark of every open eye. Shak. Syn.
    Wanting in respect; manifesting disesteem or lack of respect; uncivil; as, disrespectful behavior. -- Dis`re*spect"ful*ly, adv. -- Dis`re*spect"ful*ness, n.
    Disposition to or manifestion of contempt; insolence; haughtiness.
    In an impudent manner; with unbecoming assurance; shamelessly. At once assail With open mouths, and impudently rail. Sandys.
    Forward to excess; too forward. -- O"ver*for"ward*ness, n.
    Proceeding in a straight course or manner; not deviating; honest; frank. -- adv.
    From this time forward; henceforth.
    From that time onward; thenceforth.


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