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Word Meanings - DIVINELY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. In a divine or godlike manner; holily; admirably or excellently in a supreme degree. Most divinely fair. Tennyson. 2. By the agency or influence of God. Divinely set apart . . . to be a preacher of righteousness. Macaulay.

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    The state of being right with God; justification; the work of Christ, which is the ground justification. There are two kinds of Christian righteousness: the one without us, which we have by imputation; the other in us, which consisteth of faith,
    Situated at the highest part or point. The Supreme, the Almighty; God. (more info) above, upper, fr. super above: cf. F. suprême. See Super-, and cf. 1. Highest in authority; holding the highest place in authority, government, or power. He that
    1. Piously; with sanctity; in a holy manner. 2. Sacredly; inviolably. Shak.
    1. One who professes divination; one who pretends to predict events, or to reveal occult things, by supernatural means. The diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams; they comfort in vain. Zech. x. 2. 2. A conjecture; a guesser; one
    A building comprising a number of suites designed for separate housekeeping tenements, but having conveniences, such as heat, light, elevator service, etc., furnished in common; -- often distinguished in the United States from a flat house.
    The quality of standing apart.
    One addicted to mannerism; a person who, in action, bearing, or treatment, carries characteristic peculiarities to excess. See citation under Mannerism.
    1. In a divine or godlike manner; holily; admirably or excellently in a supreme degree. Most divinely fair. Tennyson. 2. By the agency or influence of God. Divinely set apart . . . to be a preacher of righteousness. Macaulay.
    Adherence to a peculiar style or manner; a characteristic mode of action, bearing, or treatment, carried to excess, especially in literature or art. Mannerism is pardonable,and is sometimes even agreeable, when the manner, though vicious, is natural
    In a supreme manner.
    appartare to separate, set apart; all fr. L. ad + pars, partis, part. 1. A room in a building; a division in a house, separated from others by partitions. Fielding. 2. A set or suite of rooms. De Quincey. 3. A compartment. Pope.
    Induction. Syn. -- Control; persuasion; ascendency; sway; power; authority; supremacy; mastery; management; restraint; character; reputation; prestige. (more info) 1. A flowing in or upon; influx. God hath his influence into the very essence of
    Resembling or befitting a god or God; divine; hence, preeminently good; as, godlike virtue. -- God"like`ness, n.
    1. The faculty of acting or of exerting power; the state of being in action; action; instrumentality. The superintendence and agency of Providence in the natural world. Woodward. 2. The office of an agent, or factor; the relation between
    A certain distance or remove in the line of descent, determining the proximity of blood; one remove in the chain of relationship; as, a relation in the third or fourth degree. In the 11th century an opinion began to gain ground in Italy, that third
    The office of a preacher. "The preachership of the Rolls." Macaulay.
    In an admirable manner.
    Of or pertaining to Alfred Tennyson, the English poet ; resembling, or having some of the characteristics of, his poetry, as simplicity, pictorial quality, sensuousness, etc.
    1. One who preaches; one who discourses publicly on religious subjects. How shall they hear without a preacher Rom. x. 14. 2. One who inculcates anything with earnestness. No preacher is listened to but Time. Swift. Preacher bird , a toucan.
    1. In an excellent manner; well in a high degree. 2. In a high or superior degree; -- in this literal use, not implying worthiness. When the whole heart is excellently sorry. J. Fletcher.
    Not mannerly; ill-bred; rude. -- adv.
    In a melancholy manner.
    Intermediate agency.
    A partaker of supremacy; one jointly supreme. Shak.
    A subordinate agency.
    In an excessive manner; excessively. Wiclif.
    Impolite; rude.


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