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Word Meanings - EMBARK - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. To cause to go on board a vessel or boat; to put on shipboard. 2. To engage, enlist, or invest in any affair; as, he embarked his fortune in trade. It was the reputation of the sect upon which St. Paul embarked his salvation. South.

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    Mutual talk or conversation; conference. Sir J. Hayward.
    One who undertakes enterprises. Sir J. Hayward.
    The representation of something; delineation; plan; especially, the representation of any object on a perspective plane, or such a delineation as would result were the chief points of the object thrown forward upon the plane, each in the direction
    Mutual dealings; intercourse. The enterdeal of princes strange. Spenser.
    To change back. See Revert, v. i. To revert a series , to treat a series, as y = a + bx + cx2 + etc., where one variable y is expressed in powers of a second variable x, so as to find therefrom the second variable x, expressed in a series arranged
    One who, or that which, retracts. Specifically: In breech-loading firearms, a device for withdrawing a cartridge shell from the barrel.
    Design; contrivance; projection. Clarendon.
    On the point or verge of; going; in act of. Paul was now aboutto open his mouth. Acts xviii. 14. 7. Concerning; with regard to; on account of; touching. "To treat about thy ransom." Milton. She must have her way about Sarah. Trollope. (more info)
    1. The act of increasing in size or bulk, real or apparent; the state of being increased; augmentation; further extension; expansion. 2. Expansion or extension, as of the powers of the mind; ennoblement, as of the feelings and character; as, an
    1. One who, or that which, propels. 2. A contrivance for propelling a steam vessel, usually consisting of a screw placed in the stern under water, and made to revolve by an engine; a propeller wheel. 3. A steamboat thus propelled; a screw steamer.
    The quality or fact of being attractable. Sir W. Jones.
    1. That which is undertaken; something attempted to be performed; a work projected which involves activity, courage, energy, and the like; a bold, arduous, or hazardous attempt; an undertaking; as, a manly enterprise; a warlike enterprise. Shak.
    Having power to attract.
    An intestinal concretion.
    To bring forward or offer, as an argument, passage, or consideration which bears on a statement or case; to cite; to allege. Reasons . . . were adduced on both sides. Macaulay. Enough could not be adduced to satisfy the purpose of illustration.
    1. To spring back; to start back; to be sent back or reverberated by elastic force on collision with another body; as, a rebounding echo. Bodies which are absolutely hard, or so soft as to be void of elasticity, will not rebound from one another.
    1. One who attempts; one who essays anything. 2. An assailant; also, a temper.
    1. Having the power or quality of attracting or drawing; as, the attractive force of bodies. Sir I. Newton. 2. Attracting or drawing by moral influence or pleasurable emotion; alluring; inviting; pleasing. "Attractive graces." Milton. "Attractive
    The act of withdrawing; withdrawment; retreat; retraction. Fielding.
    The membranes, or one of the membranes (consisting of a fold of the peritoneum and inclosed tissues), which connect the intestines and their appendages with the dorsal wall of the abdominal cavity. The mesentery proper is connected with the jejunum
    To come to one point; to meet in, or converge toward, a common center; to have a common center. God, in whom all perfections concenter. Bp. Beveridge.
    The tenets of the Sadducees.
    promise to abide by the decision of an arbiter, fr. compromittere to 1. A mutual agreement to refer matters in dispute to the decision of arbitrators. Burrill. 2. A settlement by arbitration or by mutual consent reached by concession on both
    The state or quality of being; disagreeable; unpleasantness.
    A renewed or repeated engagement.
    To revoke or annul, as a promise. Chapman.
    Having no stipules. Martyn.
    The process of applying additional colors, by applications of printing blocks, to patterns already partly colored.
    Destitute of a stomach or an intestine. Owen.
    The quality of being roundabout; circuitousness.


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