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Word Meanings - EVOLUTIONISM - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The theory of, or belief in, evolution. See Evolution, 6 and 7.

Related words: (words related to EVOLUTIONISM)

    1. One skilled in evolutions. 2. one who holds the doctrine of evolution, either in biology or in metaphysics. Darwin.
    The theory of, or belief in, evolution. See Evolution, 6 and 7.
    1. A doctrine, or scheme of things, which terminates in speculation or contemplation, without a view to practice; hypothesis; speculation. Note: "This word is employed by English writers in a very loose and improper sense. It is with them usually
    Relating to evolution; as, evolutionary discussions.
    Having belief or faith.
    A persuasion of the truths of religion; faith. No man can attain belief by the bare contemplation of heaven and earth. Hooker. 3. The thing believed; the object of belief. Superstitious prophecies are not only the belief of fools, but the talk
    The formation of an involute by unwrapping a thread from a curve as an evolute. Hutton. (more info) 1. The act of unfolding or unrolling; hence, in the process of growth; development; as, the evolution of a flower from a bud, or an animal from
    Relating to evolution. "Evolutional changes." H. Spenser.
    The theory, advanced by Thomson on the basis of investigation by Helmholtz, that the atoms are vortically moving ring-shaped masses (or masses of other forms having a similar internal motion) of a homogeneous, incompressible, frictionless fluid.
    The theory which maintains that the primitive elements of language are reflex expressions induced by sensory impressions; that is, as stated by Max Müller, the creative faculty gave to each general conception as it thrilled for the first
    The theory that living organisms can be produced only by the development of living germs. Cf. Biogenesis, Abiogenesis. 2. The theory which attributes contagious and infectious diseases, suppurative lesions, etc., to the agency of germs.
    1. The withholding of belief; doubt; incredulity; skepticism. 2. Disbelief; especially, disbelief of divine revelation, or in a divine providence or scheme of redemption. Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan his work in vain. Cowper. Syn. --
    1. The act of rolling down. The devolution of earth down upon the valleys. Woodward. 2. Transference from one person to another; a passing or devolving upon a successor. The devolution of the crown through a . . . channel known and conformable
    marked by opposition or antipathy to revolution; as, ostracized for his counterrevolutionary tendencies. Opposite of revolutionary.
    A theory proposed by Ehrlich as a chemical explanation of immunity phenomena. In brief outline it is as follows: Animal cells and bacteria are complex aggregations of molecules, which are themselves complex. Complex molecules react with one another
    The motion of any body, as a planet or satellite, in a curved line or orbit, until it returns to the same point again, or to a point relatively the same; -- designated as the annual, anomalistic, nodical, sidereal, or tropical revolution, according
    To change completely, as by a revolution; as, to revolutionize a government. Ames. The gospel . . . has revolutionized his soul. J. M. Mason.
    One engaged in effecting a change of government; a favorer of revolution. Burke.
    The theory which likens the course of certain diseases (esp. infectious diseases) to the process of fermentation, and attributes them to the organized ferments in the body. It does not differ materially from the accepted germ theory .
    Of or pertaining to a revolution in government; tending to, or promoting, revolution; as, revolutionary war; revolutionary measures; revolutionary agitators.
    Erroneous or false belief.
    A feigning to believe; make believe. J. H. Newman.


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