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Word Meanings - FOX-HUNTING - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Pertaining to or engaged in the hunting of foxes; fond of hunting foxes.

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  • HUNT
    1. To search for or follow after, as game or wild animals; to chase; to pursue for the purpose of catching or killing; to follow with dogs or guns for sport or exercise; as, to hunt a deer. Like a dog, he hunts in dreams. Tennyson. 2. To search
    A worthless dog that runs back on the scent; a blunderer. Shak.
    A woman who hunts or follows the chase; as, the huntress Diana. Shak.
    Tending to draw the attention or affections; attractive; as, engaging manners or address. -- En*ga"ging*ly, adv. -- En*ga"ging*ness, n. Engaging and disengaging gear or machinery, that in which, or by means of which, one part is alternately brought
    A tune played on the horn very early in the morning to call out the hunters; hence, any arousing sound or call. Shak. Time plays the hunt's-up to thy sleepy head. Drayton.
    The state of being deeply interested; earnestness; zeal.
    stretch out, reach, pertain; per + tenere to hold, keep. See Per-, 1. To belong; to have connection with, or dependence on, something, as an appurtenance, attribute, etc.; to appertain; as, saltness pertains to the ocean; flowers pertain to plant
    See 7
    To come into gear with; as, the teeth of one cogwheel engage those of another, or one part of a clutch engages the other part. (more info) Etym: 1. To put under pledge; to pledge; to place under obligations to do or forbear doing something, as
    One who enters into an engagement or agreement; a surety. Several sufficient citizens were engagers. Wood.
    A hunter. Chaucer.
    A kind of spider. See Hunting spider, under Hunting. 6. A hunting watch, or one of which the crystal is protected by a metallic cover. Hunter's room, the lunation after the harvest moon. -- Hunter's screw , a differential screw, so named from the
    With attachment; with interest; earnestly.
    1. Occupied; employed; busy. 2. Pledged; promised; especially, having the affections pledged; promised in marriage; affianced; betrothed. 3. Greatly interested; of awakened zeal; earnest. 4. Involved; esp., involved in a hostile encounter; as,
    The pursuit of game or of wild animals. A. Smith. Happy hunting grounds, the region to which, according to the belief of American Indians, the souls of warriors and hunters pass after death, to be happy in hunting and feasting. Tylor. -- Hunting
    The art or practice of hunting, or the qualification of a hunter. Donne.
    Discovered or described by John Hunter, an English surgeon; as, the Hunterian chancre. See Chancre.
    1. One who hunts, or who practices hunting. 2. The person whose office it is to manage the chase or to look after the hounds. L'Estrange. Huntsman's cup , the sidesaddle flower, or common American pitcher plant .
    An action; a fight; a battle. In hot engagement with the Moors. Dryden. (more info) 1. The act of engaging, pledging, enlisting, occupying, or entering into contest. 2. The state of being engaged, pledged or occupied; specif., a pledge to take
    A renewed or repeated engagement.
    A kind of plum of medium size, roundish shape, greenish flesh, and delicious flavor. It is called in France Reine Claude, after the queen of Francis I. See Gage.
    A winding so arranged as to divide the armature current and lead a portion of it around the field-magnet coils; -- opposed to series winding. --Shunt"-wound` , a.
    A hunting for game in a quiet and cautious manner, or under cover; stalking; hence, colloquially, the pursuit of any object quietly and cautiously. -- Still"-hunt`er, n. -- Still"-hunt`ing, n.
    Loosing; setting free; detaching. Disengaging machinery. See under Engaging.
    Prior engagement, obligation, or attachment, as by contract, promise, or affection. My preëngagements to other themes were not unknown to those for whom I was to write. Boyle.
    The practice of seeking after, and hanging on, noblemen, or persons of quality, especially in English universities.
    Pertaining to or engaged in the hunting of foxes; fond of hunting foxes.
    To provide with a shunt; as, to shunt a galvanometer. (more info) schounten; cf. D. schuinte a slant, slope, Icel. skunda to hasten. 1. To shun; to move from. 2. To cause to move suddenly; to give a sudden start to; to shove. Ash. 3. To turn off
    A member of any tribe or race of savages who have the custom of decapitating human beings and preserving their heads as trophies. The Dyaks of Borneo are the most noted head-hunters. -- Head"-hunt`ing, n.
    Switching; as, shunting engine, yard, etc. Arbitrage conducted between certain local markets without the necessity of the exchange involved in foreign arbitrage.


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