Word Meanings - FUGITIVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database
1. Fleeing from pursuit, danger, restraint, etc., escaping, from service, duty etc.; as, a fugitive solder; a fugitive slave; a fugitive debtor. The fugitive Parthians follow. Shak. Can a fugitive daughter enjoy herself while her parents are in
Additional info about word: FUGITIVE
1. Fleeing from pursuit, danger, restraint, etc., escaping, from service, duty etc.; as, a fugitive solder; a fugitive slave; a fugitive debtor. The fugitive Parthians follow. Shak. Can a fugitive daughter enjoy herself while her parents are in tear Richardson A libellous pamphlet of a fugitive physician. Sir H. Wotton. 2. Not fixed; not durable; liable to disappear or fall away; volatile; uncertain; evanescent; liable to fade; -- applied to material and immaterial things; as, fugitive colors; a fugitive idea. The me more tender and fugitive parts, the leaves . . . of vegatables. Woodward. Fugitive compositions, Such as are short and occasional, and so published that they quickly escape notice. Syn. -- Fleeting; unstable; wandering; uncertain; volatile; fugacious; fleeing; evanescent.
Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of FUGITIVE)
- Ephemeral
- Transient
- evanescent
- fleeting
- fugacious
- fugitive
- momentary
- Fugacious
- Illusive
- Deceptive
- vision try
- unreal
- disappointing
- erroneous
- false
- imaginary
- chimerical
- delusive
- illusory
- Fleeting
- transitory
- temporary
- passing
- ephemeral
- brief
Related words: (words related to FUGITIVE)
passer, LL. passare, fr. L. passus step, or from pandere, passum, to 1. To go; to move; to proceed; to be moved or transferred from one point to another; to make a transit; -- usually with a following adverb or adverbal phrase defining the kind - FUGITIVELY
In a fugitive manner. - FALSENESS
The state of being false; contrariety to the fact; inaccuracy; want of integrity or uprightness; double dealing; unfaithfulness; treachery; perfidy; as, the falseness of a report, a drawing, or a singer's notes; the falseness of a man, or of his - VISIONARY
1. Of or pertaining to a visions or visions; characterized by, appropriate to, or favorable for, visions. The visionary hour When musing midnight reigns. Thomson. 2. Affected by phantoms; disposed to receive impressions on the imagination; given - IMAGINARY
Existing only in imagination or fancy; not real; fancied; visionary; ideal. Wilt thou add to all the griefs I suffer Imaginary ills and fancied tortures Addison. Imaginary calculus See under Calculus. -- Imaginary expression or quantity - PASSOVER
A feast of the Jews, instituted to commemorate the sparing of the Hebrews in Egypt, when God, smiting the firstborn of the Egyptians, passed over the houses of the Israelites which were marked with the blood of a lamb. The sacrifice offered at - PASSUS
A division or part; a canto; as, the passus of Piers Plowman. See 2d Fit. - PASSIBILITY
The quality or state of being passible; aptness to feel or suffer; sensibility. Hakewill. - FALSE-FACED
Hypocritical. Shak. - PASSIONAL
Of or pertaining to passion or the passions; exciting, influenced by, or ministering to, the passions. -- n. - PASSIVE FLIGHT
Flight, such as gliding and soaring, accomplished without the use of motive power. - BRIEFLY
Concisely; in few words. - ILLUSIVENESS
The quality of being illusive; deceptiveness; false show. - CHIMERICAL
Merely imaginary; fanciful; fantastic; wildly or vainly conceived; having, or capable of having, no existence except in thought; as, chimerical projects. Syn. -- Imaginary; fanciful; fantastic; wild; unfounded; vain; deceitful; delusive. - ILLUSIVELY
In a illusive manner; falsely. - ERRONEOUS
1. Wandering; straying; deviating from the right course; -- hence, irregular; unnatural. "Erroneous circulation." Arbuthnot. Stopped much of the erroneous light, which otherwise would have disturbed the vision. Sir I. Newman. 2. Misleading; - FLEET-FOOT
Swift of foot. Shak. - FALSETTO
A false or artificial voice; that voice in a man which lies above his natural voice; the male counter tenor or alto voice. See Head voice, under Voice. - PASSENGER MILE
A unit of measurement of the passenger transportation performed by a railroad during a given period, usually a year, the total of which consists of the sum of the miles traversed by all the passengers on the road in the period in question. - PASSIFLORA
A genus of plants, including the passion flower. It is the type of the order Passifloreæ, which includes about nineteen genera and two hundred and fifty species. - COMPASSIONATELY
In a compassionate manner; mercifully. Clarendon. - CONTEMPORARY
1. Living, occuring, or existing, at the same time; done in, or belonging to, the same times; contemporaneous. This king was contemporary with the greatest monarchs of Europe. Strype. 2. Of the same age; coeval. A grove born with himself he sees, - SURPASS
To go beyond in anything good or bad; to exceed; to excel. This would surpass Common revenge and interrupt his joy. Milton. Syn. -- To exceed; excel; outdo; outstrip. - SEA BRIEF
Wrong division. - DIVISIONARY
Divisional. - OUTPASSION
To exceed in passion. - INCOMPASSIONATE
Not compassionate; void of pity or of tenderness; remorseless. -- In`com*pas"sion*ate*ly, adv. -- In`com*pas"sion*ate*ness, n. - REPASS
To pass again; to pass or travel over in the opposite direction; to pass a second time; as, to repass a bridge or a river; to repass the sea. - SURPASSING
Eminently excellent; exceeding others. "With surpassing glory crowned." Milton. -- Sur*pass"ing*ly, adv. -- Sur*pass"ing*ness, n.