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Word Meanings - GLASSEN - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Glassy; glazed. And pursues the dice with glassen eyes. B. Jonson.

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    Glassy; glazed. And pursues the dice with glassen eyes. B. Jonson.
    Having a glazed appearance; -- said of the fractured surface of some kinds of pin iron.
    To apply thinly a transparent or semitransparent color to , to modify the effect. (more info) 1. To furnish with glass. Two cabinets daintily paved, richly handed, and glazed with crystalline glass. Bacon. 2. To incrust, cover, or overlay with
    1. Made of glass; vitreous; as, a glassy substance. Bacon. 2. Resembling glass in its properties, as in smoothness, brittleness, or transparency; as, a glassy stream; a glassy surface; the glassy deep. 3. Dull; wanting life or fire; lackluster;
    Resembling glass; glasslike; glazed. Wyclif.
    1. One who applies glazing, as in pottery manufacture, etc.; one who gives a glasslike or glossy surface to anything; a calenderer or smoother of cloth, paper, and the like. 2. A tool or machine used in glazing, polishing, smoothing, etc.; amoung
    One whose business is to set glass. Glazier's diamond. See under Diamond.
    Transparent, or semitransparent, colors passed thinly over other colors, to modify the effect. (more info) 1. The act or art of setting glass; the art of covering with a vitreous or glasslike substance, or of polishing or rendering glossy. 2. The
    To remove the glaze from, as pottery or porcelain, so as to give a dull finish.
    The process of giving a dull or ground surface to glass by acid or by mechanical means. Knight.
    Applied over the glaze; -- said of enamel paintings, which sometimes are seen to project from the surface of the ware. Suitable for applying upon the glaze; -- said of vitrifiable colors used in ceramic decoration.
    To strip of glass; to remove the glazing, or glass, from, as a window.
    Applied under the glaze, that is, before the glaze, that is, before the glaze is put on; fitted to be so applied; -- said of colors in porcelain painting.


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