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Word Meanings - IMMEDIATELY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. In an immediate manner; without intervention of any other person or thing; proximately; directly; -- opposed to mediately; as, immediately contiguous. God's acceptance of it either immediately by himself, or mediately by the hands of the bishop.

Additional info about word: IMMEDIATELY

1. In an immediate manner; without intervention of any other person or thing; proximately; directly; -- opposed to mediately; as, immediately contiguous. God's acceptance of it either immediately by himself, or mediately by the hands of the bishop. South. 2. Without interval of time; without delay; promptly; instantly; at once. And Jesus . . . touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed. Matt. viii. 3. 3. As soon as. Cf. Directly, 8, Note. Syn. -- Directly; instantly; quickly; forthwith; straightway; presently. See Directly.

Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of IMMEDIATELY)

Related words: (words related to IMMEDIATELY)

    In a prompt manner.
    1. Without the least delay or interval; at once; immediately. Macaulay. 2. With urgency or importunity; earnestly; pressingly. "They besought him instantly." Luke vii. 4. Syn. -- Directly; immediately; at once. See Directly.
    Immediately; without loss of time; without delay. He took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi. . . . And straightway the damsel arose. Mark v. 41,42.
    In a right line; not crookedly.
    As soon as the thing required may be done by reasonable exertion confined to that object. Bouvier. (more info) 1. Immediately; without delay; directly. Immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales; and he received sight forthwith.
    1. In an immediate manner; without intervention of any other person or thing; proximately; directly; -- opposed to mediately; as, immediately contiguous. God's acceptance of it either immediately by himself, or mediately by the hands of the bishop.
    Speedily; with haste or celerity; soon; without delay; quick.
    1. In a direct manner; in a straight line or course. "To run directly on." Shak. Indirectly and directly too Thou hast contrived against the very life Of the defendant. Shak. 2. In a straightforward way; without anything intervening;
    Indirectly. Strype.
    In an direct manner; not in a straight line or course; not in express terms; obliquely; not by direct means; hence, unfairly; wrongly. To tax it indirectly by taxing their expense. A. Smith. Your crown and kingdom indirectly held. Shak.


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