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Word Meanings - IMPEDIMENTAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Of the nature of an impediment; hindering; obstructing; impeditive. Things so impediental to success. G. H. Lewes.

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    1. Act of succeeding; succession. Then all the sons of these five brethren reigned By due success. Spenser. 2. That which comes after; hence, consequence, issue, or result, of an endeavor or undertaking, whether good or bad; the outcome of effort.
    Having no success. Successless all her soft caresses prove. Pope. -- Suc*cess"less*ly, adv. -- Suc*cess"less*ness, n.
    Tending to obstruct; presenting obstacles; hindering; causing impediment. -- Ob*struct"ive*ly, adv.
    One who hinders progress; one who obstructs business, as in a legislative body. -- a.
    Hindermost; -- superl. of Hind, a. Chaucer.
    1. The act of succeeding, or following after; a following of things in order of time or place, or a series of things so following; sequence; as, a succession of good crops; a succession of disasters. 2. A series of persons or things according to
    One who obstructs or hinders.
    In a successive manner. The whiteness, at length, changed successively into blue, indigo, and violet. Sir I. Newton.
    before or against, to obstruct; ob + struere to pile up. 1. To block up; to stop up or close, as a way or passage; to place an obstacle in, or fill with obstacles or impediments that prevent or hinder passing; as, to obstruct a street;
    Furthest in or toward the rear; last. "Rachel and Joseph hindermost." Gen. xxxiii. 2. (more info) superlative from the same source as the comparative hinder. See
    Resulting in success; assuring, or promotive of, success; accomplishing what was proposed; having the desired effect; hence, prosperous; fortunate; happy; as, a successful use of medicine; a successful experiment; a successful enterprise. Welcome,
    That which impedes or hinders progress, motion, activity, or effect. Thus far into the bowels of the land Have we marched on without impediment. Shak. Impediment in speech, a defect which prevents distinct utterance. Syn. -- Hindrance; obstruction;
    A person who insists on the importance of a regular succession of events, offices, etc.; especially , one who insists that apostolic succession alone is valid.
    1. Following in order or in uninterrupted course; coming after without interruption or interval; following one after another in a line or series; consecutive; as, the successive revolution of years; the successive kings of Egypt; successive strokes
    Having a nature, temper, or disposition; disposed; -- used in composition; as, good-natured, ill-natured, etc.
    Of the nature of an impediment; hindering; obstructing; impeditive. Things so impediental to success. G. H. Lewes.
    1. The act of obstructing, or state of being obstructed. 2. That which obstructs or impedes; an obstacle; an impediment; a hindrance. A popular assembly free from obstruction. Swift. 3. The condition of having the natural powers obstructed in their
    Causing hindrance; impeding. "Cumbersome, and impeditive of motion." Bp. Hall.
    Not in accordance with nature; unnatural. Milton.
    Succession. My peculiar honors, not derived From successary, but purchased with my blood. Beau. & Fl.
    To change the nature of; to invest with a different or contrary nature. A right heavenly nature, indeed, as if were unnaturing them, doth so bridle them . Sir P. Sidney.
    Having half the nature of another. Shak.
    A sign at the beginning of a composition or movement, placed after the key signature, to indicate its time or meter. Also called rhythmical signature. It is in the form of a fraction, of which the denominator indicates the kind of note taken as
    Not successful; not producing the desired event; not fortunate; meeting with, or resulting in, failure; unlucky; unhappy. -- Un`suc*cess"ful*ly, adv. -- Un`suc*cess"ful*ness, n.
    Decoration; ornamentation. Holinshed.
    Want of success. Feltham.
    Joint signature. Colgrave.
    To transfer or transform the nature of. We are transelemented, or transnatured. Jewel.
    To deprive of its natural qualities; change the nature of.


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