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Word Meanings - LAPSED - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Having slipped downward, backward, or away; having lost position, privilege, etc., by neglect; -- restricted to figurative uses. Once more I will renew His lapsed powers, though forfeit. Milton. 2. Ineffectual, void, or forfeited; as, a lapsed

Additional info about word: LAPSED

1. Having slipped downward, backward, or away; having lost position, privilege, etc., by neglect; -- restricted to figurative uses. Once more I will renew His lapsed powers, though forfeit. Milton. 2. Ineffectual, void, or forfeited; as, a lapsed policy of insurance; a lapsed legacy. Lapsed devise, Lapsed legacy , a devise, or legacy, which fails to take effect in consequence of the death of the devisee, or legatee, before that of the testator, or for ether cause. Wharton .

Related words: (words related to LAPSED)

    Sheltered in a haven. Blissful havened both from joy and pain. Keats.
    A harbor master.
    Lapsible. Cudworth.
    A light cloth covering for the head and neck, used by soldiers as a protection from sunstroke.
    imp. & p. p. of Think.
    In a slippery manner.
    Liable to lapse.
    1. Lacking thought; careless; inconsiderate; rash; as, a thoughtless person, or act. 2. Giddy; gay; dissipated. Johnson. 3. Deficient in reasoning power; stupid; dull. Thoughtless as monarch oaks that shade the plain. Dryden. -- Thought"less*ly,
    1. With the back in advance or foremost; as, to ride backward. 2. Toward the back; toward the rear; as, to throw the arms backward. 3. On the back, or with the back downward. Thou wilt fall backward. Shak. 4. Toward, or in, past time or events;
  • HAVE
    haven, habben, AS. habben ; akin to OS. hebbian, D. hebben, OFries, hebba, OHG. hab, G. haben, Icel. hafa, Sw. hafva, Dan. have, Goth. haban, and prob. to L. habere, whence F. 1. To hold in possession or control; to own; as, he has a farm. 2.
    A piece, usually a plate, applied to a sliding piece, to receive wear and afford a means of adjustment; -- also called shoe, and gib. Slipper animalcule , a ciliated infusorian of the genus Paramecium. -- Slipper flower. Slipperwort. -- Slipper
    Harbor dues; port dues.
    habe, Dan. havn, Icel. höfn, Sw. hamn; akin to E. have, and hence orig., a holder; or to heave ; or akin to AS. hæf sea, 1. A bay, recess, or inlet of the sea, or the mouth of a river, which affords anchorage and shelter for shipping; a harbor;
    Of or pertaining to Havana, the capital of the island of Cuba; as, an Havana cigar; -- formerly sometimes written Havannah. -- n.
    Pertaining to, or discovered by, Clopton Havers, an English physician of the seventeenth century. Haversian canals , the small canals through which the blood vessels ramify in bone.
    See CHILDREN (more info) law against or in favor of an individual; privus private + lex, 1. A peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor; a right or immunity not enjoyed by others or by all; special enjoyment
    Invested with a privilege; enjoying a peculiar right, advantage, or immunity. Privileged communication. A communication which can not be disclosed without the consent of the party making it, -- such as those made by a client to his
    1. Moving or extending from a higher to a lower place; tending toward the earth or its center, or toward a lower level; declivous. With downward force That drove the sand along he took his way. Dryden. 2. Descending from a head, origin, or source;
    The falling down of a part through the orifice with which it is naturally connected, especially of the uterus or the rectum. Dunglison.
    The state of two nouns or pronouns, put in the same case, without a connecting word between them; as, I admire Cicero, the orator. Here, the second noun explains or characterizes the first. Growth by apposition , a mode of growth characteristic
    A genus of venomous snakes found both in America and the Old World. Many species are known. See Coral snake, under Coral.
    To pass down by inheritance; to lapse. Which Anne derived alone the right, before all other, Of the delapsed crown from Philip. Drayton.
    One who belongs to the opposition party. Praed.
    Variant of Clasp Chaucer.
    imp. & p. p. of Bethink.
    To behave ill; to conduct one's self improperly; -- often used with a reciprocal pronoun.
    1. The act of exposing or laying open; a setting out or displaying to public view. 2. The act of expounding or of laying open the sense or meaning of an author, or a passage; explanation; interpretation; the sense put upon a passage; a law, or
    A plane for shaving or dressing the concave or inside faces of barrel staves.


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