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Word Meanings - MISBEHAVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To behave ill; to conduct one's self improperly; -- often used with a reciprocal pronoun.

Related words: (words related to MISBEHAVE)

    In an improper manner; not properly; unsuitably; unbecomingly.
    In the manner of reciprocals. Reciprocally proportional (Arith. & Alg.), proportional, as two variable quantities, so that the one shall have a constant ratio to the reciprocal of the other. (more info) 1. In a reciprocal manner; so that
    One who pronounces, utters, or declares; also, a pronouncing book.
    The quality or power of conducting, or of receiving and transmitting, as, the conductivity of a nerve. Thermal conductivity , the quantity of heat that passes in unit time through unit area of plate whose thickness is unity, when its opposite faces
    Frequency. Hooker.
    To act; to conduct; to bear or carry one's self; as, to behave well or ill. Note: This verb is often used colloquially without an adverb of manner; as, if he does not behave, he will be punished. It is also often applied to inanimate objects; as,
    Reflexive; -- applied to pronouns and verbs, but sometimes limited to such pronouns as express mutual action. (more info) 1. Recurring in vicissitude; alternate. 2. Done by each to the other; interchanging or interchanged; given and received; due
    A word used instead of a noun or name, to avoid the repetition of it. The personal pronouns in English are I, thou or you, he, she, it, we, ye, and they.
    A woman who leads or directs; a directress.
    The quality or condition of being reciprocal; mutual return; alternateness.
    The leader or director of an orchestra or chorus. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, conducts; a leader; a commander; a guide; a manager; a director. Zeal, the blind conductor of the will. Dryden. 2. One in charge of a public conveyance, as
    1. To utter articulately; to speak out or distinctly; to utter, as words or syllables; to speak with the proper sound and accent as, adults rarely learn to pronounce a foreign language correctly. 2. To utter officially or solemnly; to deliver,
    1. Capability of being conducted; as, the conductibility of heat or electricity. 2. Conductivity; capacity for receiving and transmitting.
    Frequently; many times; not seldom.
    1. The act or method of conducting; guidance; management. Christianity has humanized the conduct of war. Paley. The conduct of the state, the administration of its affairs. Ld. Brougham. 2. Skillful guidance or management; generalship. Conduct
    Capable of being pronounced.
    Transmission through, or by means of, a conductor; also, conductivity. communication from one body to another when they are in contact, or through a homogenous body from particle to particle, constitutes conduction. Amer. Cyc. (more info) 1.
    Strongly marked; unequivocal; decided. Note: views became every day more pronounced. Thackeray.
    The act of pronouncing; a declaration; a formal announcement.
    Having the property of conducting.
    That which gives a safe, passage; either a convoy or guard to protect a person in an enemy's country or a foreign country, or a writing, pass, or warrant of security, given to a person to enable him to travel with safety. Shak.
    To pronounce incorrectly.
    To behave ill; to conduct one's self improperly; -- often used with a reciprocal pronoun.
    Not conducting; not transmitting a fluid or force; thus, in electricity, wax is a nonconducting substance.
    Wrong conduct; bad behavior; mismanagement. Addison. Syn. -- Misbehavior; misdemeanor; mismanagement; misdeed; delinquency; offense.
    A substance or device that has its conductivity altered in some way by electric waves, as a coherer.
    Not often.


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