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Word Meanings - OBEDIENT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Subject in will or act to authority; willing to obey; submissive to restraint, control, or command. And floating straight, obedient to the stream. Shak. The chief his orders gives; the obedient band, With due observance, wait the chief's command.

Additional info about word: OBEDIENT

Subject in will or act to authority; willing to obey; submissive to restraint, control, or command. And floating straight, obedient to the stream. Shak. The chief his orders gives; the obedient band, With due observance, wait the chief's command. Pope. Syn. -- Dutiful; respectful; compliant; submissive.

Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of OBEDIENT)

Related words: (words related to OBEDIENT)

    1. Inclined to sympathy; sympathizing. Far wiser he, whose sympathetic mind Exults in all the good of all mankind. Goldsmith. 2. Produced by, or expressive of, sympathy. Ope the sacred source of sympathetic tears. Gray. Produced by sympathy; --
    Without echo or response.
    In a modest manner.
    Loyal. Shak.
    Flight, such as gliding and soaring, accomplished without the use of motive power.
    Disposed to yield or comply. -- Yield"a*ble*ness, n. Bp. Hall.
    1. The act of producing; yield; as, the yieldance of the earth. Bp. Hall. 2. The act of yielding; concession. South.
    1. To speak in defense against; to reply to in defense; as, to answer a charge; to answer an accusation. 2. To speak or write in return to, as in return to a call or question, or to a speech, declaration, argument, or the like; to reply to ; to
    With deference.
    A superior wine, white and red, from Constantia, in Cape Colony.
    1. Fulfilling duty; dutiful; having the sentiments due to a superior, or to one to whom respect or service is owed; obedient; as, a duteous son or daughter. 2. Subservient; obsequious. Duteous to the vices of thy mistress. Shak. -- Du"te*ous*ly,
    In an acquiescent manner.
    1. The quality or state of being modest; that lowly temper which accompanies a moderate estimate of one's own worth and importance; absence of self-assertion, arrogance, and presumption; humility respecting one's own merit. 2. Natural delicacy
    Inclined to give way, or comply; flexible; compliant; accommodating; as, a yielding temper. Yielding and paying , the initial words of that clause in leases in which the rent to be paid by the lessee is mentioned and reserved. Burrill. Syn. --
    In an observant manner.
    1. In an obsequious manner; compliantly; fawningly. Dryden. 2. In a manner appropriate to obsequies. Whilst I a while obsequiously lament The untimely fall of virtuous Lancaster. Shak.
    Yielding; bending; pliant; submissive. "The compliant boughs." Milton.
    Full of watch; vigilant; attentive; careful to observe closely; observant; cautious; -- with of before the thing to be regulated or guarded; as, to be watchful of one's behavior; and with against before the thing to be avoided; as, to be watchful
    One of a branch of the Order of Franciscans, who profess to adhere more strictly than the Conventuals to the intention of the founder, especially as to poverty; -- called also Observants.
    The quality or state of being obsequious. South.
    Negligently; heedlessly.
    pay, give, restore, make an offering; akin to OFries. jelda, OS. geldan, D. gelden to cost, to be worth, G. gelten, OHG. geltan to pay, restore, make an offering, be worth, Icel. gjalda to pay, give up, Dan. gielde to be worth, Sw. gälla to be
    Without a thumb. Darwin.
    Not obedient; disobedient. Chaucer. -- In`o*be"di*ent*ly, adv.
    Not susceptible of pain or suffering; apathetic; impassible; unmoved. Impassive as the marble in the quarry. De Quincey. On the impassive ice the lightings play. Pope. -- Im*pas"sive*ly, adv. -- Im*pas"sive*ness, n.
    To give echoes; to return back, or be reverberated, as an echo; to resound; to be resonant. And a loud groan reëchoes from the main. Pope.
    1. Not faithful; not observant of promises, vows, allegiance, or duty; violating trust or confidence; treacherous; perfidious; as, an unfaithful subject; an unfaithful agent or servant. My feet, through wine, unfaithful to their weight. Pope. His
    In an immodest manner.


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