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Word Meanings - PATRIARCHATE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A patriarchal form of government or society. See Patriarchal, a., 3. (more info) 1. The office, dignity, or jurisdiction of a patriarch. Jer. Taylor. 2. The residence of an ecclesiastic patriarch.

Related words: (words related to PATRIARCHATE)

    An officer, particularly one in the civil service; a placeman.
    A person in holy orders, or consecrated to the service of the church and the ministry of religion; a clergyman; a priest. From a humble ecclesiastic, he was subsequently preferred to the highest dignities of the church. Prescott.
    In an ecclesiastical manner; according ecclesiastical rules.
    A patriarchal form of government or society. See Patriarchal, a., 3. (more info) 1. The office, dignity, or jurisdiction of a patriarch. Jer. Taylor. 2. The residence of an ecclesiastic patriarch.
    Government by a patriarch, or the head of a family.
    Copper wire with a strong but light insulation, used in wiring houses, etc.
    1. The jurisdiction of a patriarch; patriarchship. Brerewood. 2. Government by a patriarch; patriarchism.
    Pertaining to government; made by government; as, governmental duties.
    1. The relationship of men to one another when associated in any way; companionship; fellowship; company. "Her loved society." Milton. There is society where none intrudes By the deep sea, and music in its roar. Byron. 2. Connection; participation;
    A process (invented about 1899 by Frederick W. Taylor and Maunsel B. White) for giving toughness to self-hardening steels. The steel is heated almost to fusion, cooled to a temperature of from 700º to 850º C. in molten lead, further cooled in
    A patriarchate. Ayliffe.
    The influence of a word in regard to construction, requiring that another word should be in a particular case. (more info) 1. The act of governing; the exercise of authority; the administration of laws; control; direction; regulation; as, civil,
    digneté, dignité, F. dignité, fr. L. dignitas, from dignus worthy. 1. The state of being worthy or honorable; elevation of mind or character; true worth; excellence. 2. Elevation; grandeur. The dignity of this act was worth the audience
    The legal power, right, or authority of a particular court to hear and determine causes, to try criminals, or to execute justice; judicial authority over a cause or class of causes; as, certain suits or actions, or the cognizance of certain crimes,
    A book of the Apocrypha.
    1. To furnish with officers; to appoint officers over. Marshall. 2. To command as an officer; as, veterans from old regiments officered the recruits.
    Strong attachment to ecclesiastical usages, forms, etc.
    The residing of an incumbent on his benefice; -- opposed to nonresidence. 4. The place where anything rests permanently. But when a king sets himself to bandy against the highest court and residence of all his regal power, he then, . . . fights
    The office or jurisdiction of a patriarch; patriarchate.
    The apartments or outhouses in which the domestics discharge the duties attached to the service of a house, as kitchens, pantries, stables, etc. As for the offices, let them stand at distance. Bacon. (more info) 1. That which a person does, either
    See POST
    1. An office where passengers, baggage, etc., are registered for conveyance, as by railway or steamship. 2. An office where passage tickets are sold.
    The criminal branch of the Court of King's or Queen's Bench, commonly called the crown side of the court, which takes cognizance of all criminal cases. Burrill.
    Bad government; want of government. Shak.
    A society or association formed for mutual insurance, as among tradesmen or in labor unions, to provide for relief in sickness, old age, and for the expenses of burial. Usually called friendly society in Great Britain.
    Any action toward another which manifests contempt for him; an offense against personal dignity; unmerited contemptuous treatment; contumely; incivility or injury, accompanied with insult. How might a prince of my great hopes forget So
    An under or subordinate officer.


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