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Word Meanings - PLANK-SHEER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The course of plank laid horizontally over the timberheads of a vessel's frame.

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    1. The act of laying planks; also, planks, collectively; a series of planks in place, as the wooden covering of the frame of a vessel. 2. The act of splicing slivers. See Plank, v. t., 4.
    In a horizontal direction or position; on a level; as, moving horizontally.
    1. Hunted; as, a coursed hare. 2. Arranged in courses; as, coursed masonry.
    All the animals and plants, taken collectively, which live at or near the surface of salt or fresh waters. --Plank*ton"ic , a.
    1. The act of moving from one point to another; progress; passage. And when we had finished our course from Tyre, we came to Ptolemais. Acts xxi. 7. 2. THe ground or path traversed; track; way. The same horse also run the round course at Newmarket.
    As much as a vessel will hold; enough to fill a vessel.
    A space in the galley; a part of the hatches. Ham. Nav. Encyc.
    1. The work of framing, or the completed work; the frame or constructional part of anything; as, the framework of society. A staunch and solid piece of framework. Milton. 2. Work done in, or by means of, a frame or loom.
    One who frames; as, the framer of a building; the framers of the Constitution.
    A conspiracy or plot, esp. for a malicious or evil purpose, as to incriminate a person on false evidence.
    The course of plank laid horizontally over the timberheads of a vessel's frame.
    1. A broad piece of sawed timber, differing from a board only in being thicker. See Board. 2. Fig.: That which supports or upholds, as a board does a swimmer. His charity is a better plank than the faith of an intolerant and bitter-minded bigot.
    Any tube or canal in which the blood or other fluids are contained, secreted, or circulated, as the arteries, veins, lymphatics, etc. (more info) vascellum, dim. of vasculum, dim. of vas a vessel. Cf. Vascular, 1. A hollow or concave utensil for
    A grallatorial bird of Europe , remarkable for its speed in running. Sometimes, in a wider sense, applied to running birds of the Ostrich family. (more info) 1. One who courses or hunts. leash is a leathern thong by which . . . a courser leads
    To construct by fitting and uniting the several parts of the skeleton of any structure; specifically, in woodwork, to put together by cutting parts of one member to fit parts of another. See Dovetail, Halve, v. t., Miter, Tenon, Tooth, Tusk, Scarf,
    To take apart, or destroy the frame of. Dryden.
    Having recurring flow and ebb; moving alternately. Drayton.
    A This sweet intercourse Of looks and smiles. Milton. Sexual intercourse, sexual or carnal connection; coition. Syn. -- Communication; connection; commerce; communion; fellowship; familiarity; acquaintance. (more info) commerce, exchange,
    A vessel, cell, duct, or tube containing or conducting air; as the air vessels of insects, birds, plants, etc.; the air vessel of a pump, engine, etc. For the latter, see Air chamber. The air vessels of insects are called tracheƦ, of plants spiral
    fr. discurrere, discursum, to run to and fro, to discourse; dis- + 1. The power of the mind to reason or infer by running, as it were, from one fact or reason to another, and deriving a conclusion; an exercise or act of this power; reasoning; range
    Of or pertaining to the interval or zone along the sea bottom, at the depth of between fifty and one hundred fathoms. E. Forbes.
    1. One who discourse; a narrator; a speaker; an haranguer. In his conversation he was the most clear discourser. Milward. 2. The writer of a treatise or dissertation. Philologers and critical discoursers. Sir T. Browne.
    The finishing course of a wall showing above a cornice.
    To frame again or anew.
    To inclose, as in a frame.
    A double-walled glass vessel for holding liquid air, etc., having the space between the walls exhausted so as to prevent conduction of heat, and sometimes having the glass silvered to prevent absorption of radiant heat; -- called also, according
    1. A moving, flowing, or running together; confluence. The good frame of the universe was not the product of chance or fortuitous concourse of particles of matter. Sir M. Hale. 2. An assembly; a gathering formed by a voluntary or spontaneous moving
    A part of the tiling which projects beyond the principal rafters, in buildings where there is a gable. Gwilt.


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