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Word Meanings - POTENTIAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Being potent; endowed with energy adequate to a result; efficacious; influential. "And hath in his effect a voice potential." Shak. 2. Existing in possibility, not in actuality. "A potential hero." Carlyle. Potential existence means merely

Additional info about word: POTENTIAL

1. Being potent; endowed with energy adequate to a result; efficacious; influential. "And hath in his effect a voice potential." Shak. 2. Existing in possibility, not in actuality. "A potential hero." Carlyle. Potential existence means merely that the thing may be at ome time; actual existence, that it now is. Sir W. Hamilton. Potential cautery. See under Cautery. -- Potential energy. See the Note under Energy. -- Potential mood, or mode , that form of the verb which is used to express possibility, liberty, power, will, obligation, or necessity, by the use of may, can, must, might, could, would, or should; as, I may go; he can write.

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    A certain Oriental system of theosophy. A. P. Sinnett.
    Hidden from the eye or the understanding; inviable; secret; concealed; unknown. It is of an occult kind, and is so insensible in its advances as to escape observation. I. Taylor. Occult line , a line drawn as a part of the construction of a figure
    By implication or inference. Bp. Montagu.
    To separate from the blood and elaborate by the process of secretion; to elaborate and emit as a secretion. See Secretion. Why one set of cells should secrete bile, another urea, and so on, we do not known. Carpenter. Syn. -- To conceal; hide. See
    Hidden; kept from sight; secreted. -- Con*ceal"ed*ly (, adv. -- Con*ceal"ed*ness, n. Concealed weapons , dangerous weapons so carried on the person as to be knowingly or willfully concealed from sight, -- a practice forbidden by statute.
    State or quality of being implicit.
    Concealed by the intervention of some other heavenly body, as a star by the moon. (more info) 1. Hidden; secret. Shak.
    Implicitness. Cotgrave.
    secretari, Sp. & Pg. secretario, It. secretario, segretario) LL. secretarius, originally, a confidant, one intrusted with secrets, 1. One who keeps, or is intrusted with, secrets. 2. A person employed to write orders, letters, dispatches, public
    In a constructive manner; by construction or inference. A neutral must have notice of a blockade, either actually by a formal information, or constructively by notice to his government. Kent.
    segreto), fr. L. secretus, p.p. of secrernere to put apart, to 1. Hidden; concealed; as, secret treasure; secret plans; a secret vow. Shak. The secret things belong unto the Lord our God; but those things which are revealed belong unto us. Deut.
    1. Being potent; endowed with energy adequate to a result; efficacious; influential. "And hath in his effect a voice potential." Shak. 2. Existing in possibility, not in actuality. "A potential hero." Carlyle. Potential existence means merely
    Essential parts. Ayliffe.
    1. Of or pertaining to practice or action. 2. Capable of being turned to use or account; useful, in distinction from ideal or theoretical; as, practical chemistry. "Man's practical understanding." South. "For all practical purposes." Macaulay.
    The quality or state of being potential; possibility, not actuality; inherent capability or disposition, not actually exhibited.
    1. With power; potently. 2. In a potential manner; possibly, not positively. The duration of human souls is only potentially infinite. Bentley.
    1. In a practical way; not theoretically; really; as, to look at things practically; practically worthless. 2. By means of practice or use; by experience or experiment; as, practically wise or skillful; practically acquainted with a subject. 3.
    Incapable of being seen; not perceptible by vision; not visible. To us invisible, or dimly seen In these thy lowest works. Milton. Invisible bird , a small, shy singing bird (Myadestes sibilons), of St. Vincent Islands. -- Invisible green, a very
    1. The state or quality of being secret, hid, or concealed. 2. Secretiveness; concealment. Donne.
    1. In an implicit manner; without reserve; with unreserved confidence. Not to dispute the methods of his providence, but humbly and implicitly to acquiesce in and adore them. Atterbury. 2. By implication; impliedly; as, to deny the providence of
    A secretary who is subordinate to the chief secretary; an assistant secretary; as, an undersecretary of the Treasury.
    The act of simplifying. A. Smith.
    Having the same potential. Equipotential surface, a surface for which the potential is for all points of the surface constant. Level surfaces on the earth are equipotential.
    Not to be defeated; not defeasible; incapable of being annulled or made void; as, an indefeasible or title. That the king had a divine and an indefeasible right to the regal power. Macaulay.
    Unsubstantial; not real or strong. "Insubstantial pageant." Shak.
    More than substantial; spiritual. "The heavenly supersubstantial bread." Jer. Taylor.
    Not practical; impractical. "Unpractical questions." H. James. I like him none the less for being unpractical. Lowell.
    Not implicated. "Unimplicate in folly." R. Browning.
    Able to exist with another thing; consistent. Chillingworth.
    Not concealable. "Inconcealable imperfections." Sir T. Browne.
    Unsubstantiality; unreality.


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