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Word Meanings - PUNCH - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A beverage composed of wine or distilled liquor, water (or milk), sugar, and the juice of lemon, with spice or mint; -- specifically named from the kind of spirit used; as rum punch, claret punch, champagne punch, etc. Milk punch, a sort of punch

Additional info about word: PUNCH

A beverage composed of wine or distilled liquor, water (or milk), sugar, and the juice of lemon, with spice or mint; -- specifically named from the kind of spirit used; as rum punch, claret punch, champagne punch, etc. Milk punch, a sort of punch made with spirit, milk, sugar, spice, etc. -- Punch bowl, a large bowl in which punch is made, or from which it is served. -- Roman punch, a punch frozen and served as an ice. (more info) composed of five ingredients, viz., sugar, arrack, spice, water, and

Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of PUNCH)

Related words: (words related to PUNCH)

    One who, or that which, punches.
    Short and thick, or fat.
    One who buffets; a boxer. Jonson.
    A punch; a buffoon; originally, in a puppet show, a character represented as fat, short, and humpbacked. Spectator. (more info) of endearment, dim. of pulcina, pulcino, a chicken, from L.
    A small sailing vessel, commonly rigged as a sloop, used chiefly in the coasting and fishing trade.
    To shake together in confusion; to push, jostle, or crowd rudely; to handle roughly; as, to hustle a person out of a room. Macaulay. (more info) Etym:
    A short, upright piece of timber in framing; a short post; an intermediate stud. Oxf. Gloss. 3. A split log or heavy slab with the face smoothed; as, a floor made of puncheons. Bartlett. 4. Etym: (more info) punctio a pricking, fr. pungere to
    1. A striking with the hand. 2. A succession of blows; continued violence, as of winds or waves; afflictions; adversity. He seems to have been a plant of slow growth, but . . . fitted to endure the buffeting on the rudest storm. Wirt.
    See POMMEL
    A beverage composed of wine or distilled liquor, water (or milk), sugar, and the juice of lemon, with spice or mint; -- specifically named from the kind of spirit used; as rum punch, claret punch, champagne punch, etc. Milk punch, a sort of punch
    perh. fr. the same source as E. buffet a blow, the root meaning to 1. A cupboard or set of shelves, either movable or fixed at one side of a room, for the display of plate, china, etc., a sideboard. Not when a gilt buffet's reflected pride Turns
    A sharp, quick noise; a smack. Like the faint smacking of an after kiss. Dryden.
    A pointed steel punch, to prick a mark on metal.


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