Word Meanings - RESIGN - Book Publishers vocabulary database
assign, resign; pref. re- re- + signare to seal, stamp. See Sign, and 1. To sign back; to return by a formal act; to yield to another; to surrender; -- said especially of office or emolument. Hence, to give up; to yield; to submit; -- said of the
Additional info about word: RESIGN
assign, resign; pref. re- re- + signare to seal, stamp. See Sign, and 1. To sign back; to return by a formal act; to yield to another; to surrender; -- said especially of office or emolument. Hence, to give up; to yield; to submit; -- said of the wishes or will, or of something valued; -- also often used reflexively. I here resign my government to thee. Shak. Lament not, Eve, but patiently resign What justly thou hast lost. Milton. What more reasonable, than that we should in all things resign up ourselves to the will of God Tiilotson. 2. To relinquish; to abandon. He soon resigned his former suit. Spenser. 3. To commit to the care of; to consign. Gentlement of quality have been sent beyong the seas, resigned and concredited to the conduct of such as they call governors. Evelyn. Syn. -- To abdicate; surrender; submit; leave; relinquish; forego; quit; forsake; abandon; renounce. -- Resign, Relinquish. To resign is to give up, as if breaking a seal and yielding all it had secured; hence, it marks a formal and deliberate surrender. To relinquish is less formal, but always implies abandonment and that the thing given up has been long an object of pursuit, and, usually, that it has been prized and desired. We resign what we once held or considered as our own, as an office, employment, etc. We speak of relinquishing a claim, of relinquishing some advantage we had sought or enjoyed, of relinquishing seme right, privilege, etc. "Men are weary with the toil which they bear, but can not find it in their hearts to relinquish it." Steele. See Abdicate.
Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of RESIGN)
- Abandon
- Leave
- forsake
- desert
- renounce
- cease
- relinquish
- discontinue
- castoff
- resign
- retire
- quit
- forego
- forswear
- depart from
- vacate
- surrender
- abjure
- repudiate
- Abdicate
- Concede
- Surrender
- grant
- allow
- yield
- admit
- Forego
- Waive
- drop
- abandon
- give up
- Quit
- discharge
- release
Possible antonyms: (opposite words of RESIGN)
Related words: (words related to RESIGN)
One who admits. - RESIGNATION
1. The act of resigning or giving up, as a claim, possession, office, or the like; surrender; as, the resignation of a crown or comission. 2. The state of being resigned or submissive; quiet or patient submission; unresisting acquiescence; as, - DESERTER
One who forsakes a duty, a cause or a party, a friend, or any one to whom he owes service; especially, a soldier or a seaman who abandons the service without leave; one guilty of desertion. - LEAVE-TAKING
Taking of leave; parting compliments. Shak. - VACATE
Etym: 1. To make vacant; to leave empty; to cease from filling or occupying; as, it was resolved by Parliament that James had vacated the throne of England; the tenant vacated the house. 2. To annul; to make void; to deprive of force; to make of - FORSAKE
1. To quit or leave entirely; to desert; to abandon; to depart or withdraw from; to leave; as, false friends and flatterers forsake us in adversity. If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments. Ps. lxxxix. 30. 2. To renounce; to - LEAVED
Bearing, or having, a leaf or leaves; having folds; -- used in combination; as, a four-leaved clover; a two-leaved gate; long- leaved. - FORSWEARER
One who rejects of renounces upon oath; one who swears a false oath. - ALLOWEDLY
By allowance; admittedly. Shenstone. - FORSAKER
One who forsakes or deserts. - ALLOW
allocare to admit as proved, to place, use; confused with OF. aloer, fr. L. allaudare to extol; ad + laudare to praise. See Local, and cf. 1. To praise; to approve of; hence, to sanction. Ye allow the deeds of your fathers. Luke xi. 48. We commend - DEPARTURE
The desertion by a party to any pleading of the ground taken by him in his last antecedent pleading, and the adoption of another. Bouvier. (more info) 1. Division; separation; putting away. No other remedy . . . but absolute departure. Milton. - ALLOWER
1. An approver or abettor. 2. One who allows or permits. - DEPARTMENT
1. Act of departing; departure. Sudden departments from one extreme to another. Wotton. 2. A part, portion, or subdivision. 3. A distinct course of life, action, study, or the like; appointed sphere or walk; province. Superior to Pope in Pope's - YIELDABLE
Disposed to yield or comply. -- Yield"a*ble*ness, n. Bp. Hall. - RESIGNED
Submissive; yielding; not disposed to resist or murmur. A firm, yet cautious mind; Sincere, thought prudent; constant, yet resigned. Pope. - DEPARTMENTAL
Pertaining to a department or division. Burke. - YIELDANCE
1. The act of producing; yield; as, the yieldance of the earth. Bp. Hall. 2. The act of yielding; concession. South. - CONSTRAINTIVE
Constraining; compulsory. "Any constraintive vow." R. Carew. - ADMITTANCE
The act of giving possession of a copyhold estate. Bouvier. Syn. -- Admission; access; entrance; initiation. -- Admittance, Admission. These words are, to some extent, in a state of transition and change. Admittance is now chiefly confined to its - INDESERT
Ill desert. Addison. - BELEAVE
To leave or to be left. May. - CALLOW
1. Destitute of feathers; naked; unfledged. An in the leafy summit, spied a nest, Which, o'er the callow young, a sparrow pressed. Dryden. 2. Immature; boyish; "green"; as, a callow youth. I perceive by this, thou art but a callow maid. Old Play . - HALLOW
To make holy; to set apart for holy or religious use; to consecrate; to treat or keep as sacred; to reverence. "Hallowed be thy name." Matt. vi. 9. Hallow the Sabbath day, to do no work therein. Jer. xvii. 24. His secret altar touched with hallowed - THRYFALLOW
To plow for the third time in summer; to trifallow. Tusser. - CONFINER
One who, or that which, limits or restrains. - SALLOWISH
Somewhat sallow. Dickens. - RELEASE
To lease again; to grant a new lease of; to let back. - WALLOWER
A lantern wheel; a trundle. (more info) 1. One who, or that which, wallows. - YIELD
pay, give, restore, make an offering; akin to OFries. jelda, OS. geldan, D. gelden to cost, to be worth, G. gelten, OHG. geltan to pay, restore, make an offering, be worth, Icel. gjalda to pay, give up, Dan. gielde to be worth, Sw. gälla to be - IMMIGRANT
One who immigrates; one who comes to a country for the purpose of permanent residence; -- correlative of emigrant. Syn. -- See Emigrant. - MISDESERT
Ill desert. Spenser. - MALLOWWORT
Any plant of the order Malvaceæ.