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Word Meanings - SANCTIMONIOUS - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Possessing sanctimony; holy; sacred; saintly. Shak. 2. Making a show of sanctity; affecting saintliness; hypocritically devout or pious. "Like the sanctimonious pirate." Shak. -- Sanc`ti*mo"ni*ous*ly, adv. -- Sanc`ti*mo"ni*ous*ness, n.

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    The dress prescribed for any body of men, academical, municipal, or sacerdotal. The doctors attending her in their formalities as far as Shotover. Fuller. 6. That which is formal; the formal part. It unties the inward knot of marriage, . . . while
    To make smooth.
    Quality or state of being smooth.
    1. Having the qualities of meal; resembling meal; soft, dry, and friable; easily reduced to a condition resembling meal; as, a mealy potato. 2. Overspread with something that resembles meal; as, the mealy wings of an insect. Shak. Mealy bug ,
    1. Possessing sanctimony; holy; sacred; saintly. Shak. 2. Making a show of sanctity; affecting saintliness; hypocritically devout or pious. "Like the sanctimonious pirate." Shak. -- Sanc`ti*mo"ni*ous*ly, adv. -- Sanc`ti*mo"ni*ous*ness, n.
    Having a smooth chin; beardless. Drayton.
    In a ceremonious way.
    In a smooth manner.
    1. To give form, or a certain form, to; to model. 2. To render formal.
    1. Belonging to the form, shape, frame, external appearance, or organization of a thing. 2. Belonging to the constitution of a thing, as distinguished from the matter composing it; having the power of making a thing what it is; constituent;
    Speaking smoothly; plausible; flattering; smooth-tongued.
    One who, or that which, smooths.
    One who minces.
    In a formal manner; essentially; characteristically; expressly; regularly; ceremoniously; precisely. That which formally makes this a Christian grace, is the spring from which it flows. Smalridge. You and your followers do stand formally divided
    fr. Smooth, v. Smoothing iron, an iron instrument with a polished face, for smoothing clothes; a sadiron; a flatiron. -- Smoothing plane, a short, finely set plane, for smoothing and finishing work.
    That minces; characterized by primness or affected nicety.
    The quality, or practice, of being ceremonious.
    The quality or state of being precise; exact limitation; exactness; accuracy; strict conformity to a rule or a standard; definiteness. I have left out the utmost precisions of fractions. Locke. Syn. -- Preciseness; exactness; accuracy; nicety. --
    Causing no resistance to a body sliding along its surface; frictionless. Note: Smooth is often used in the formation of selfexplaining compounds; as, smooth-bodied, smooth-browed, smooth-combed, smooth- faced, smooth-finished, smooth-gliding,
    1. Consisting of outward forms and rites; ceremonial. Note: The ceremonious part of His worship. South. 2. According to prescribed or customary rules and forms; devoted to forms and ceremonies; formally respectful; punctilious. "Ceremonious
    To affect reformation; to pretend to correctness.
    Uniform. Herrick.
    The reciprocal existence in each other of the three persons of the Trinity.
    In an informal manner.


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