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Word Meanings - SECOND-RATE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Of the second size, rank, quality, or value; as, a second-rate ship; second-rate cloth; a second-rate champion. Dryden.

Related words: (words related to SECOND-RATE)

    1. Immediately following the first; next to the first in order of place or time; hence, occuring again; another; other. And he slept and dreamed the second time. Gen. xli. 5. 2. Next to the first in value, power, excellence, dignity,
    1. The condition of being of such and such a sort as distinguished from others; nature or character relatively considered, as of goods; character; sort; rank. We lived most joyful, obtaining acquaintance with many of the city not of the meanest
    A rope or wire on which clothes are hung to dry.
    1. To estimate the value, or worth, of; to rate at a certain price; to appraise; to reckon with respect to number, power, importance, etc. The mind doth value every moment. Bacon. The queen is valued thirty thousand strong. Shak. The king must
    Of the rank or degree below the best highest; inferior; second- rate; as, a second-class house; a second-class passage.
    One who seconds or supports what another attempts, affirms, moves, or proposes; as, the seconder of an enterprise or of a motion.
    In the second place.
    A frame to hang clothes on.
    1. One who makes cloths; one who dresses or fulls cloth. Hayward. 2. One who sells cloth or clothes, or who makes and sells clothes.
    The power of discerning what is not visible to the physical eye, or of foreseeing future events, esp. such as are of a disastrous kind; the capacity of a seer; prophetic vision. he was seized with a fit of second-sight. Addison. Nor less availed
    See CARD (more info) 1. Garments in general; clothes; dress; raiment; covering. From others he shall stand in need of nothing, Yet on his brothers shall depend for clothing. Milton. As for me, . . . my clothing
    Having the power of second-sight. Addison.
    One who values; an appraiser.
    A forked piece of wood, or a small spring clamp, used for fastening clothes on a line.
    1. Not original or primary; received from another. They have but a secondhand or implicit knowledge. Locke. 2. Not new; already or previously or used by another; as, a secondhand book, garment. At second hand. See Hand, n., 10.
    A policy in which the value of the goods, property, or interest insured is specified; -- opposed to open policy.
    A law requiring insurance companies to pay to the insured, in case of total loss, the full amount of the insurance, regardless of the actual value of the property at the time of the loss.
    Of the second size, rank, quality, or value; as, a second-rate ship; second-rate cloth; a second-rate champion. Dryden.
    Being of no value; having no worth.
    1. Covering for the human body; dress; vestments; vesture; -- a general term for whatever covering is worn, or is made to be worn, for decency or comfort. She . . . speaks well, and has excellent good clothes. Shak. If I may touch but his clothes,
    Duck or canvas used in making sails.
    Blankets, sheets, coverlets, etc., for a bed. Shak.
    A cloth for covering a coffin when on a bier; a pall. Bp. Sanderson.
    A cloth worn around the breech.
    An expression consisting of two unequal quantities, with the sign of inequality between them; as, the inequality 2 < 3, or 4 > 1. (more info) 1. The quality of being unequal; difference, or want of equality, in any respect; lack of uniformity;
    A piece of any fabric worn around the neck.
    A fine smooth-faced woolen cloth for men's garments, usually of double width ; -- so called in distinction from woolens three quarters of a yard wide.
    Divested or stripped of clothing. Byron. 2. Etym: (more info) 1. Etym:
    Cloth or paper covered with powdered carborundum.
    A cloth under a saddle, and extending out behind; a housing.
    1. To value, rate, or estimate below the real worth; to depreciate. 2. To esteem lightly; to treat as of little worth; to hold in mean estimation; to despise. In comparison of it I undervalued all ensigns of authority. Atterbury. I write not this
    A strong, coarse kind of sacking, made from the fibers (called jute) of two plants of the genus Corchorus (C. olitorius and C. capsularis), of India. The fiber is also used in the manufacture of cordage. Gunny bag, a sack made of gunny, used for
    Stuff or cloth made wholly or in part of hair.
    Exact agreement between two expressions or magnitudes with respect to quantity; -- denoted by the symbol =; thus, a = x signifies that a contains the same number and kind of units of measure that x does. Confessional equality. See under


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