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Word Meanings - SELF-EXALTATION - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The act of exalting one's self, or the state of being so exalted.

Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of SELF-EXALTATION)

Related words: (words related to SELF-EXALTATION)

    The state or quality of being lordly. Shak.
    Conceit of one's self; an overweening opinion of one's powers or endowments. Syn. -- See Egotism.
    1. In an egotistical manner. 2. Fancifully; whimsically.
    A small box, usually jeweled or of precious metal and worn on a chain, containing a mirror, powder puff, and other small toilet articles for a woman.
    The state of being conceited; conceit; vanity. Addison.
    The state or quality of being lofty.
    Having an overweening opinion of one's own powers, attainments; vain; conceited. -- Self`-con*ceit"ed*ness, n.
    Excessive vanity excited by one's own performances; empty pride; undue elation of mind; vain show; boastfulness. He had nothing of vainglory. Bacon. The man's undone forever; for if Hector break not his neck i' the combat, he'll break't himself
    The practice of too frequently using the word I; hence, a speaking or writing overmuch of one's self; self-exaltation; self- praise; the act or practice of magnifying one's self or parading one's own doings. The word is also used in the sense of
    conception, fr. concipere to conceive: cf. OF. p. p. nom. conciez 1. That which is conceived, imagined, or formed in the mind; idea; thought; image; conception. In laughing, there ever procedeth a conceit of somewhat ridiculous. Bacon. A man wise
    The act of exalting one's self, or the state of being so exalted.
    Praise of one's self.
    Without wit; stupid. Think'st thou I am so shallow, so conceitless. To be seduced by thy flattery Shak.
    A small European lamprey ; -- called also prid, and sandpiper.
    1. The quality or state of being vain; want of substance to satisfy desire; emptiness; unsubstantialness; unrealness; falsity. Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. Eccl. i. 2. Here I may well show the vanity
    Full of pride; haughty. Tennyson. -- Pride"ful*ly, adv. -- Pride"ful-ness, n.
    The quality of being haughty; disdain; arrogance. Syn. -- Arrogance; disdain; contemptuousness; superciliousness; loftiness. -- Haughtiness, Arrogance, Disdain. Haughtiness denotes the expression of conscious and proud superiority; arrogance is
    The act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner; that species of pride which consists in exorbitant claims of rank, dignity, estimation, or power, or which exalts the worth or importance of the person to an undue
    1. Endowed with fancy or imagination. He was . . . pleasantly conceited, and sharp of wit. Knolles. 2. Entertaining a flattering opinion of one's self; vain. If you think me too conceited Or to passion quickly heated. Swift. Conceited of their
    Without pride. Chaucer.
    An opinion or notion formed beforehand; a preconception. Hooker.


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