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Word Meanings - STRATAGEMICAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Containing stratagem; as, a stratagemical epistle. Swift.

Related words: (words related to STRATAGEMICAL)

    That which is contained; the extent; the substance. The containment of a rich man's estate. Fuller.
    The quality or state of being swift; speed; quickness; celerity; velocity; rapidity; as, the swiftness of a bird; the swiftness of a stream; swiftness of descent in a falling body; swiftness of thought, etc.
    Any one of numerous species of small East Indian and Asiatic swifts of the genus Collocalia. Some of the species are noted for furnishing the edible bird's nest. See Illust. under Edible.
    A rope used to retain the bars of the capstan in their sockets while men are turning it. A rope used to encircle a boat longitudinally, to strengthen and defend her sides. The forward shroud of a lower mast.
    A container.
    In a swift manner; with quick motion or velocity; fleetly. Wyclif.
    The ecclesiastic who reads the epistle at the communion service. (more info) 1. A writer of epistles, or of an epistle of the New Testament. M. Arnold.
    Nimble; fleet. Mir. for Mag.
    to swapan to sweep, swipu a whip; cf. swifan to move quickly, to 1. Moving a great distance in a short time; moving with celerity or velocity; fleet; rapid; quick; speedy; prompt. My beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak,
    An artifice or trick in war for deceiving the enemy; hence, in general, artifice; deceptive device; secret plot; evil machination. Fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils. Shak. Those oft are stratagems which error seem, Nor is it Homer nods, but
    Capable of being contained or comprised. Boyle.
    One of the letters in the New Testament which were addressed to their Christian brethren by Apostles. Epistle side, the right side of an altar or church to a person looking from the nave toward the chancel. One sees the pulpit on the epistle side.
    One who, or that which, contains.
    Containing stratagem; as, a stratagemical epistle. Swift.
    1. To hold within fixed limits; to comprise; to include; to inclose; to hold. Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens can not contain thee; how much less this house! 2 Chron. vi. 18. When that this body did contain a spirit. Shak. What thy stores
    Having all the essential working parts connected by a bedplate or framework, or contained in a case, etc., so that mutual relations of the parts do not depend upon fastening outside of the machine itself. Self-contained steam engine.


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