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Word Meanings - SUPERABUNDANCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The quality or state of being superabundant; a superabundant quantity; redundancy; excess.

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    In great abundance; exuberantly. Boyle.
    1. A greater quantity than is wanted; superabundance; as, a superfluity of water; a superfluity of wealth. A quiet mediocrity is still to be preferred before a troubled superfluity. Suckling. 2. The state or quality of being superfluous; excess.
    An overflowing fullness; ample sufficiency; great plenty; profusion; copious supply; superfluity; wealth: -- strictly applicable to quantity only, but sometimes used of number. It is lamentable to remember what abundance of noble blood hath been
    An overflow; that which overflows; exuberance; copiousness. He was ready to bestow the overflowings of his full mind on anybody who would start a subject. Macaulay.
    Water for the cure of surfeits. Locke.
    1. Overfullness; especially, excessive fullness of the blood vessels; repletion; that state of the blood vessels or of the system when the blood exceeds a healthy standard in quantity; hyperæmia; -- opposed to anæmia. 2. State of being overfull;
    arrogance, crime, fr. surfaire, sorfaire, to augment, exaggerate, F. surfaire to overcharge; sur over + faire to make, do, L. facere. See 1. Excess in eating and drinking. Let not Sir Surfeit sit at thy board. Piers Plowman. Now comes the sick
    One who surfeits. Shak.
    The horizontal line which measures the distance to which a projectile is thrown; the range. (more info) 1. State of being ample; extent of surface or space; largeness of dimensions; size. The cathedral of Lincoln . . . is a magnificent structure,
    1. The act of inundating, or the state of being inundated; an overflow; a flood; a rising and spreading of water over grounds. With inundation wide the deluge reigns, Drowns the deep valleys, and o'erspreads the plains. Wilkie. 2. An overspreading
    out, loss of self-possession, fr. excedere, excessum, to go out, go 1. The state of surpassing or going beyond limits; the being of a measure beyond sufficiency, necessity, or duty; that which exceeds what is usual or prover; immoderateness;
    Characterized by, or exhibiting, excess; overmuch. Excessive grief the enemy to the living. Shak. Syn. -- Undue; exorbitant; extreme; overmuch; enormous; immoderate; monstrous; intemperate; unreasonable. See Enormous --Ex*cess*ive*ly,
    1. To overflow with water; to inundate; to overwhelm. The deluged earth would useless grow. Blackmore. 2. To overwhelm, as with a deluge; to cover; to overspread; to overpower; to submerge; to destroy; as, the northern nations deluged the Roman
    1. A flowing over, as of water or other fluid; an inundation. Bacon. 2. That which flows over; a superfluous portion; a superabundance. Shak. 3. An outlet for the escape of surplus liquid. Overflow meeting, a meeting constituted of the surplus
    Fullness of blood; plethora. (more info) 1. The state of being replete; superabundant fullness. The tree had too much repletion, and was oppressed with its own sap. Bacon. Replecioun ne made her never sick. Chaucer.
    State of being in excess. There is a nimiety, a too-muchess, in all Germans. Coleridge.
    The state of being exuberant; an overflowing quantity; a copious or excessive production or supply; superabundance; richness; as, an exuberance of joy, of fancy, or of foliage. Syn. -- Abundance; superabundance; excess; plenty; copiousness;
    The act of supererogating; performance of more than duty or necessity requires. Works of supererogation , those good deeds believed to have been performed by saints, or capable of being performed by men, over and above what is required for their
    The quality or state of being superabundant; a superabundant quantity; redundancy; excess.
    The state of being fearful.
    Wrathfulness. Wyclif.
    Aptness to start.
    The quality of being artful; art; cunning; craft.
    The quality of being bashful. Syn. -- Bashfulness, Modesty, Diffidence, Shyness. Modesty arises from a low estimate of ourselves; bashfulness is an abashment or agitation of the spirits at coming into contact with others; diffidence is produced
    1. The quality of being forgetful; prononess to let slip from the mind. 2. Loss of remembrance or recollection; a ceasing to remember; oblivion. A sweet forgetfulness of human care. Pope. 3. Failure to bear in mind; careless omission; inattention;
    The quality of being frightful.
    The quality or state of being woeful; misery; wretchedness.
    The quality of being dreadful.
    The quality or state of being baleful.
    The quality of being diseaseful; trouble; trial. Sir P. Sidney.
    The state of being healthful.
    Good spirits; a state of moderate joy or gayety; alacrity.


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