Word play! Creativity and vocabulary mental exercise
Fun way to give your author's brain a quick workout with Word play! Creativity and vocabulary mental exercise
How does it work?
I will show you three words below. You need to type one word which connects all those three words. For example:
Suppose I showed you these three words: MOTION, THINK, CAT.
Now you need to enter one word which can connect all those three words. For example, "QUICK"
And your words become: QUICK MOTION, QUICK THINK-ing, QUICK CAT
Then make a sentence using all the words.
Ready? Start below. Refresh the page to get a new set of three words.
Click the word to see its meaning. Huh... so you also learn new words with this game? Cool!
Your words:
EFFORM: To form; to shape. Efforming their words within their lips. Jer. Taylor.
EPAULET; EPAULETTE: A shoulder ornament or badge worn by military and naval officers, differences of rank being marked by some peculiar form or device, as a star, eagle, etc.; a shoulder knot. Note: In the United States service the epaulet is reserved for full dress
TRUCKLE: A small wheel or caster. Hudibras. (more info) trochlea a block, sheaf containing one or more pulleys. See Truck a
PARISHEN: A parishioner. Chaucer.
MOUSE: Any one of numerous species of small rodents belonging to the genus Mus and various related genera of the family Muridæ. The common house mouse is found in nearly all countries. The American white-footed, or deer, mouse sometimes
Enter connecting word:
Enter sentence using all the words above:
Too difficult? Use 2 words instead.
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