Word Meanings - MARK - Book Publishers vocabulary database
A license of reprisals. See Marque.
Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of MARK)
- Aim
- Tendency
- intent
- aspiration
- bent
- drift
- object
- scope
- goal
- purpose
- mark
- end
- design
- intention
- Attribute
- Property
- quality
- characteristic
- attainment
- sign
- indication
- manifestation
- Brand denounce
- stigmatize
- disgrace
- Brand
- Disgrace
- stigma
- infamy
- Character
- Symbol
- letter
- nature
- type
- disposition
- genius
- temperament
- cast
- estimation
- repute
- office
- reputation
- part
- capacity
- class
- order
- sort
- stamp
- kind
- species
- tone
- figure
- record
Possible antonyms: (opposite words of MARK)
- Divorce
- disconnect
- dissociate
- dissever
- Distinguish
- honor
- decorate
- Chance
- risk
- hazard
- revoke
- Miscalculate
- venture
- stake
- Obliviate
- silentiate
- suppress
Related words: (words related to MARK)
Characterized by the use of symbols; as, symbolistic poetry. - CLASSIFIC
Characterizing a class or classes; relating to classification. - BRAND IRON
1. A branding iron. 2. A trivet to set a pot on. Huloet. 3. The horizontal bar of an andiron. - CHARACTERISTIC
Pertaining to, or serving to constitute, the character; showing the character, or distinctive qualities or traits, of a person or thing; peculiar; distinctive. Characteristic clearness of temper. Macaulay. - CLASSIFICATORY
Pertaining to classification; admitting of classification. "A classificatory system." Earle. - CHANCELLERY
Chancellorship. Gower. - HAZARDIZE
A hazardous attempt or situation; hazard. Herself had run into that hazardize. Spenser. - DIVORCEABLE
Capable of being divorced. - CLASSICISM
A classic idiom or expression; a classicalism. C. Kingsley. - DESIGN
drawing, dessein a plan or scheme; all, ultimately, from L. designare to designate; de- + signare to mark, mark out, signum mark, sign. See 1. To draw preliminary outline or main features of; to sketch for a pattern or model; to delineate; to trace - REVOKER
One who revokes. - INTENTIONALITY
The quality or state of being intentional; purpose; design. Coleridge. - OBJECTIVENESS
Objectivity. Is there such a motion or objectiveness of external bodies, which produceth light Sir M. Hale - DECORATE
To deck with that which is becoming, ornamental, or honorary; to adorn; to beautify; to embellish; as, to decorate the person; to decorate an edifice; to decorate a lawn with flowers; to decorate the mind with moral beauties; to decorate a hero - HONORABLE
1. Worthy of honor; fit to be esteemed or regarded; estimable; illustrious. Thy name and honorable family. Shak. 2. High-minded; actuated by principles of honor, or a scrupulous regard to probity, rectitude, or reputation. 3. Proceeding from an - DESIGNATE
Designated; appointed; chosen. Sir G. Buck. - DRIFTBOLT
A bolt for driving out other bolts. - CHARACTER
1. A distinctive mark; a letter, figure, or symbol. It were much to be wished that there were throughout the world but one sort of character for each letter to express it to the eye. Holder. 2. Style of writing or printing; handwriting; - SCOPELINE
Scopeloid. - ENSTAMP
To stamp; to mark as It is the motive . . . which enstamps the character. Gogan. - DISVENTURE
A disadventure. Shelton. - CONTRADISTINGUISH
To distinguish by a contrast of opposite qualities. These are our complex ideas of soul and body, as contradistinguished. Locke. - HAEMATOSCOPE
Not distinguishable; not capable of being perceived, known, or discriminated as separate and distinct; hence, not capable of being perceived or known; as, in the distance the flagship was indisguishable; the two copies were indisguishable in form - POST OFFICE
One of several signs or sumptoms indicating the same fact; as, a coindication of disease. - LACTOSCOPE
An instrument for estimating the amount of cream contained in milk by ascertaining its relative opacity.