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Word Meanings - END - Book Publishers vocabulary database

One of the yarns of the worsted warp in a Brussels carpet. An end. On end; upright; erect; endways. Spenser To the end; continuously. Richardson. -- End bulb , one of the bulblike bodies in which some sensory nerve fibers end in certain parts

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One of the yarns of the worsted warp in a Brussels carpet. An end. On end; upright; erect; endways. Spenser To the end; continuously. Richardson. -- End bulb , one of the bulblike bodies in which some sensory nerve fibers end in certain parts of the skin and mucous membranes; -- also called end corpuscles. -- End fly, a bobfly. -- End for end, one end for the other; in reversed order. -- End man, the last man in a row; one of the two men at the extremities of a line of minstrels. -- End on , bow foremost. -- End organ , the structure in which a nerve fiber ends, either peripherally or centrally. -- End plate , one of the flat expansions in which motor nerve fibers terminate on muscular fibers. -- End play , movement endwise, or room for such movement. -- End stone , one of the two plates of a jewel in a timepiece; the part that limits the pivot's end play. -- Ends of the earth, the remotest regions of the earth. -- In the end, finally. Shak. -- On end, upright; erect. -- To the end, in order. Bacon. -- To make both ends meet, to live within one's income. Fuller. -- To put an end to, to destroy. (more info) enti, G. ende, Icel. endir, endi, Sw. ände, Dan. ende, Goth. andeis, 1. The extreme or last point or part of any material thing considered lengthwise ; hence, extremity, in general; the concluding part; termination; close; limit; as, the end of a field, line, pole, road; the end of a year, of a discourse; put an end to pain; -- opposed to Ant: beginning, when used of anything having a first part. Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof. Eccl. vii. 2. Point beyond which no procession can be made; conclusion; issue; result, whether successful or otherwise; conclusive event; consequence. My guilt be on my head, and there an end. Shak. O that a man might know The end of this day's business ere it come! Shak. 3. Termination of being; death; destruction; extermination; also, cause of death or destruction. Unblamed through life, lamented in thy end. Pope. Confound your hidden falsehood, and award Either of you to be the other's end. Shak. I shall see an end of him. Shak. 4. The object aimed at in any effort considered as the close and effect of exertion; ppurpose; intention; aim; as, to labor for private or public ends. Losing her, the end of living lose. Dryden. When every man is his own end, all things will come to a bad end. Coleridge. 5. That which is left; a remnant; a fragment; a scrap; as, odds and ends. I clothe my naked villainy With old odd ends stolen out of holy writ, And seem a saint, when most I play the devil. Shak.

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    See WORM
    The business of a broker. And with extorting, cozening, forfeiting, And tricks belonging unto brokery. Marlowe.
    summary, abridgment, neut. noun fr. breviarius abridged, fr. brevis 1. An abridgment; a compend; an epitome; a brief account or summary. A book entitled the abridgment or breviary of those roots that are to be cut up or gathered. Holland. 2. A
    In a brittle manner. Sherwood.
    1. A branding iron. 2. A trivet to set a pot on. Huloet. 3. The horizontal bar of an andiron.
    An oily, three-sided nut, the seed of the Bertholletia excelsa; the cream nut. Note: From eighteen to twenty-four of the seed or "nuts" grow in a hard and nearly globular shell.
    That causes drifting or that is drifted; movable by wind or currents; as, drift currents; drift ice; drift mud. Kane. Drift anchor. See Sea anchor, and also Drag sail, under Drag, n. -- Drift epoch , the glacial epoch. -- Drift net, a
    To burst. And both his yën braste out of his face. Chaucer. Dreadfull furies which their chains have brast. Spenser.
    In a consummate manner; completely. T. Warton.
    Chancellorship. Gower.
    A hazardous attempt or situation; hazard. Herself had run into that hazardize. Spenser.
    To braid. Chaucer.
    One who embroiders.
    A plant supposed to heal bruises, as the true daisy, the soapwort, and the comfrey.
    drawing, dessein a plan or scheme; all, ultimately, from L. designare to designate; de- + signare to mark, mark out, signum mark, sign. See 1. To draw preliminary outline or main features of; to sketch for a pattern or model; to delineate; to trace
    Deduction from premises; inference; conclusion. Sir M. Hale.
    A boor killed for the table.
    One who revokes.
    One of the Brachioganoidei.
    Etym: 1. To respire; to inhale and exhale air; hence;, to live. "I am in health, I breathe." Shak. Breathes there a man with soul so dead Sir W. Scott. 2. To take breath; to rest from action. Well! breathe awhile, and then to it again! Shak. 3.
    To brace in opposite directions; as, to counterbrace the yards, i. e., to brace the head yards one way and the after yards another.
    Not thoroughly bred; ill-bred; as, an underbred fellow. Goldsmith.
    1. Expressive of opprobrium; attaching disgrace; reproachful; scurrilous; as, opprobrious language. They . . . vindicate themselves in terms no less opprobrious than those by which they are attacked. Addison. 2. Infamous; despised; rendered
    Marked with closely set ribs or ridges.
    A disadventure. Shelton.
    1. A fine, thin, and white fabric made of flax or linen. He hath ribbons of all the colors i' the rainbow; . . . inkles, caddises, cambrics, lawns. Shak. 2. A fabric made, in imitation of linen cambric, of fine, hardspun cotton, often with figures
    Any apparatus for making and breaking an electric circuit; a circuit breaker.
    An artificer who works in brass. Franklin.
    Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the bronchi; as, the subbronchial air sacs of birds.
    A brush for cleaning the teeth.
    To hang over like a brow; to impend over. Longfellow. Did with a huge projection overbrow Large space beneath. Wordsworth.
    Having a narrow, projecting chest, caused by forward curvature of the vertebral column.


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