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Word Meanings - TERMINATE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. To set a term or limit to; to form the extreme point or side of; to bound; to limit; as, to terminate a surface by a line. 2. To put an end to; to make to cease; as, to terminate an effort, or a controversy. 3. Hence, to put the finishing touch

Additional info about word: TERMINATE

1. To set a term or limit to; to form the extreme point or side of; to bound; to limit; as, to terminate a surface by a line. 2. To put an end to; to make to cease; as, to terminate an effort, or a controversy. 3. Hence, to put the finishing touch to; to bring to completion; to perfect. During this interval of calm and prosperity, he terminated two figures of slaves, destined for the tomb, in an incomparable style of art. J. S. Harford.

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    One who deranges.
    To make smaller by a half step; to make less than minor; as, a diminished seventh. 4. To take away; to subtract. Neither shall ye diminish aught from it. Deut. iv. 2. Diminished column, one whose upper diameter is less than the lower.
    Without bounds or confines; illimitable; vast; unlimited. "The boundless sky." Bryant. "The boundless ocean." Dryden. "Boundless rapacity." "Boundless prospect of gain." Macaulay. Syn. -- Unlimited; unconfined; immeasurable; illimitable; infinite.
    One who, or that which, limits or restrains.
    Deduction from premises; inference; conclusion. Sir M. Hale.
    The act of deranging or putting out of order, or the state of being deranged; disarrangement; disorder; confusion; especially, mental disorder; insanity. Syn. -- Disorder; confusion; embarrassment; irregularity; disturbance; insanity;
    Capable of being restrained; controllable. Sir T. Browne.
    In an infernal manner; diabolically. "Infernally false." Bp. Hacket.
    Tending to limit.
    is from the strong verb, AS. scieppan, scyppan, sceppan, p. p. 1. To form or create; especially, to mold or make into a particular form; to give proper form or figure to. I was shapen in iniquity. Ps. li. 5. Grace shaped her limbs, and
    Involving a limit; as, a limitive law, one designed to limit existing powers.
    1. One who finishes, puts an end to, completes, or perfects; esp. used in the trades, as in hatting, weaving, etc., for the workman who gives a finishing touch to the work, or any part of it, and brings it to perfection. O prophet of glad tidings,
    Hermaphrodite; having both stamens and pistils; -- said of flower. Perfect cadence , a complete and satisfactory close in harmony, as upon the tonic preceded by the dominant. -- Perfect chord , a concord or union of sounds which is perfectly
    In an inferior manner, or on the inferior part.
    Reduction. Milton.
    Capable of being limited.
    One who suppresses.
    Disordered; especially, disordered in mind; crazy; insane. The story of a poor deranged parish lad. Lamb.
    1. The act of increasing in size or bulk, real or apparent; the state of being increased; augmentation; further extension; expansion. 2. Expansion or extension, as of the powers of the mind; ennoblement, as of the feelings and character; as, an
    To create or constitute; as, to raise a use that is, to create it. Burrill. To raise a blockade , to remove or break up a blockade, either by withdrawing the ships or forces employed in enforcing it, or by driving them away or dispersing them.
    Kept at home.
    A willow. See Willow, n., 2.
    The anemone; -- so called because formerly supposed to open only when the wind was blowing. See Anemone.
    Outward bound. Dryden.
    One who appraises; esp., a person appointed and sworn to estimate and fix the value of goods or estates.
    That which gives a safe, passage; either a convoy or guard to protect a person in an enemy's country or a foreign country, or a writing, pass, or warrant of security, given to a person to enable him to travel with safety. Shak.
    Dressed with garlands of flowers. Milton.
    To increase again.
    An annual variety of Brassica oleracea, or cabbage of which the cluster of young flower stalks and buds is eaten as a vegetable. 2. The edible head or "curd" of a caulifower plant. (more info) caulis, and by E. flower; F. chou cabbage is fr. L.
    Thickest in the middle, and tapering to both ends; fusiform; -- applied chiefly to roots. (more info) 1. Having the shape of a spindle.
    1. Not limited; having no bounds; boundless; as, an unlimited expanse of ocean. 2. Undefined; indefinite; not bounded by proper exceptions; as, unlimited terms. "Nothing doth more prevail than unlimited generalities." Hooker. 3. Unconfined; not
    1. To open; to separate the parts of; as, to unclose a letter; to unclose one's eyes. 2. To disclose; to lay open; to reveal.
    imp. & p. p. of Unbind.
    To inclose. See Inclose.


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