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Word Meanings - REVERENCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. Profound respect and esteem mingled with fear and affection, as for a holy being or place; the disposition to revere; veneration. If thou be poor, farewell thy reverence. Chaucer. Reverence, which is the synthesis of love and fear. Coleridge.

Additional info about word: REVERENCE

1. Profound respect and esteem mingled with fear and affection, as for a holy being or place; the disposition to revere; veneration. If thou be poor, farewell thy reverence. Chaucer. Reverence, which is the synthesis of love and fear. Coleridge. When discords, and quarrels, and factions, are carried openly and audaciously, it is a sign the reverence of government islost. Bacon. Note: Formerly, as in Chaucer, reverence denoted "respect" "honor", without awe or fear. 2. The act of revering; a token of respect or veneration; an obeisance. Make twenty reverences upon receiving . . . about twopence. Goldsmith. And each of them doeth all his diligence To do unto the feast reverence. Chaucer. 3. That which deserves or exacts manifestations of reverence; reverend character; dignity; state. I am forced to lay my reverence by. Shak. 4. A person entitled to be revered; -- a title applied to priests or other ministers with the pronouns his or your; sometimes poetically to a father. Shak. Save your reverence, Saving your reverence, an apologetical phrase for an unseemly expression made in the presence of a priest or clergyman. -- Sir reverence, a contracted form of Save your reverence. Such a one as a man may not speak of, without he say. "Sir reverence." Shak. -- To do reverence, to show reverence or honor; to perform an act of reverence. Now lies he there, And none so poor to do him reverence. Shak. Syn. -- Awe; honor; veneration; adoratuon; dread. -- Awe, Reverence, Dread, Veneration. Reverence is a strong sentiment of respect and esteem, sometimes mingled slightly with fear; as, reverence for the divine law. Awe is a mixed feeling of sublimity and dread in view of something great or terrible, sublime or sacred; as, awe at the divine presence. It does not necessarily imply love. Dread is an anxious fear in view of an impending evil; as, dread of punishment. Veneration is reverence in its strongest manifestations. It is the highest emotion we can exercise toward human beings. Exalted and noble objects produce reverence; terrific and threatening objects awaken dread; a sense of the divine presence fills us with awe; a union of wisdom and virtue in one who is advanced in years inspires us with veneration.

Possible synonyms: (Same meaning words of REVERENCE)

Possible antonyms: (opposite words of REVERENCE)

Related words: (words related to REVERENCE)

    Entitled to worship, reverence, or high respect; claiming respect; worthy of honor; -- often used as a term of respect, sometimes ironically. "This is worshipful society." Shak. so dear and worshipful. Chaucer. -- Wor"ship*ful*ly, adv.
    Negligently; heedlessly.
    To make holy; to set apart for holy or religious use; to consecrate; to treat or keep as sacred; to reverence. "Hallowed be thy name." Matt. vi. 9. Hallow the Sabbath day, to do no work therein. Jer. xvii. 24. His secret altar touched with hallowed
    1. Having the quality of spirit; tenuous in substance, and having active powers or properties; ethereal; immaterial; spiritual; pure. 2. Containing, or of the nature of, alcoholic spirit; consisting of refined spirit; alcoholic; ardent;
    To judge erroneously or unjustly; to err in judgment; to misconstrue.
    1. Regarded with wonder and delight; highly prized; as, an admired poem. 2. Wonderful; also, admirable. "Admired disorder." " Admired Miranda." Shak.
    The state or quality of being grand; vastness; greatness; splendor; magnificence; stateliness; sublimity; dignity; elevation of thought or expression; nobility of action. Nor doth this grandeur and majestic show Of luxury . . . allure mine eye.
    Consecrated; devoted; dedicated; sacred. They were assembled in that consecrate place. Bacon.
    1. Worthy of honor; fit to be esteemed or regarded; estimable; illustrious. Thy name and honorable family. Shak. 2. High-minded; actuated by principles of honor, or a scrupulous regard to probity, rectitude, or reputation. 3. Proceeding from an
    The quality or state of being praiseworthy.
    adorare; ad + orare to speak, pray, os, oris, mouth. In OE. confused with honor, the French prefix a- being confused with OE. a, an, on. 1. To worship with profound reverence; to pay divine honors to; to honor as deity or as divine. Smollett. 2.
    The quality of being highminded; nobleness; magnanimity.
    1. To make an idol of; to pay idolatrous worship to; as, to idolize the sacred bull in Egypt. 2. To love to excess; to love or reverence to adoration; as, to idolize gold, children, a hero.
    1. The act of obeying, or the state of being obedient; compliance with that which is required by authority; subjection to rightful restraint or control. Government must compel the obedience of individuals. Ames. 2. Words or actions denoting
    Famous; celebrated for great achievements, for distinguished qualities, or for grandeur; eminent; as, a renowned king. "Some renowned metropolis with glistering spires." Milton. These were the renouwned of the congregation. Num. i. 61.
    1. A British battleship, completed in 1906 -- 1907, having an armament consisting of ten 12-inch guns, and of twenty-four 12-pound quick-fire guns for protection against torpedo boats. This was the first battleship of the type characterized by
    1. To set a value on; to appreciate the worth of; to estimate; to value; to reckon. Then he forsook God, which made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation. Deut. xxxii. 15. Thou shouldst esteem his censure and authority to be of
    1. That which is eminent or lofty; a high ground or place; a height. Without either eminences or cavities. Dryden. The temple of honor ought to be seated on an eminence. Burke. 2. An elevated condition among men; a place or station above men in
    To extract spirit from; also, to convert into, or impregnate with, spirit. (more info) 1. To refine intellectiually or morally; to purify from the corrupting influence of the world; to give a spiritual character or tendency to; as, to spiritualize
    One who censures. Sha.
    1. Having, or exercising, a disposition to advance the interest of the community or public; as, public-spirited men. 2. Dictated by a regard to public good; as, a public-spirited project or measure. Addison. -- Pub"lic-spir`it*ed*ly,
    One who appraises; esp., a person appointed and sworn to estimate and fix the value of goods or estates.
    To deprive of sacredness; to secularize. -- De*con`se*cra"tion, n.
    Want of respectability. Thackeray.
    Depressed in spirits; disheartened; daunted. -- Dis*pir"it*ed*ly, adv. -- Dis*pir"it*ed, n.
    Wrong or false worship; mistaken practices in religion. Bp. Hall. Such hideous jungle of misworships. Carlyle.


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