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Word Meanings - SOUVENIR - Book Publishers vocabulary database

That which serves as a reminder; a remembrancer; a memento; a keepsake. (more info) subvenire to come up, come to mind; sub under + venire to come, akin

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    A day, May 30, appointed for commemorating, by decorating their graves with flowers, by patriotic exercises, etc., the dead soldiers and sailors who served the Civil War in the United States; Decoration Day. It is a legal holiday in most of the
    Without a token.
    Lit., remember to die, i.e., that you must die; a warning to be prepared for death; an object, as a death's-head or a personal ornament, usually emblematic, used as a reminder of death.
    One who petitions by a memorial. T. Hook.
    To address or petition by a memorial; to present a memorial to; as, to memorialize the legislature. T. Hook.
    One who writes or signs a memorial.
    1. Serving to preserve remembrance; commemorative; as, a memorial building. There high in air, memorial of my name, Fix the smooth oar, and bid me live to fame. Pope. 2. Contained in memory; as, a memorial possession. 3. Mnemonic; assisting the
    1. The act of recollecting, or recalling to the memory; the operation by which objects are recalled to the memory, or ideas revived in the mind; reminiscence; remembrance. 2. The power of recalling ideas to the mind, or the period within which
    A livid spot upon the body, indicating, or supposed to indicate, the approach of death. Like the fearful tokens of the plague, Are mere forerunners of their ends. Beau. & Fl. (more info) OS. tekan, D. teeken, G. zeichen, OHG. Zeihhan, Icel. takan,
    A Japanese evergreen rose with creeping branches, shining leaves, and single white flowers. It is often planted in cemeteries.
    1. One who, or that which, serves to bring to, or keep in, mind; a memento; a memorial; a reminder. Premature consiolation is but the remembrancer of sorrow. Goldsmith. Ye that are the lord's remembrancers. Isa. lxii. 6. . 2. A term applied in
    A hint, suggestion, token, or memorial, to awaken memory; that which reminds or recalls to memory; a souvenir. Seasonable mementos may be useful. Bacon.
    Marked by tokens, or spots; as, the tokened pestilence. Shak.
    F. mémoire, L. memoria, fr. memor mindful; cf. mora delay. Cf. Demur, 1. The faculty of the mind by which it retains the knowledge of previous thoughts, impressions, or events. Memory is the purveyor of reason. Rambler. 2. The reach
    That which serves as a reminder; a remembrancer; a memento; a keepsake. (more info) subvenire to come up, come to mind; sub under + venire to come, akin
    Anything kept, or given to be kept, for the sake of the giver; a token of friendship.
    1. The act of remembering; a holding in mind, or bringing to mind; recollection. Lest fierce remembrance wake my sudden rage. Milton. Lest the remembrance of his grief should fail. Addison. 2. The state of being remembered, or held in mind; memory;
    1. The act or power of recalling past experience; the state of being reminiscent; remembrance; memory. The other part of memory, called reminiscence, which is the retrieving of a thing at present forgot, or but confusedly remembered.
    1. To signify by some visible object; to show by signs or tokens. A dewy cloud, and in the cloud a bow . . . Betokening peace from God, and covenant new. Milton. 2. To foreshow by present signs; to indicate something future by that which is seen
    Want of remembrance; forgetfulness. I. Watts.
    Erroneous or inaccurate recollection.
    Prognostic; previous omen. Sir P. Sidney.
    Beyond memory. Bentley.
    A collection previously made.


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