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Word Meanings - REMINISCENCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

1. The act or power of recalling past experience; the state of being reminiscent; remembrance; memory. The other part of memory, called reminiscence, which is the retrieving of a thing at present forgot, or but confusedly remembered.

Additional info about word: REMINISCENCE

1. The act or power of recalling past experience; the state of being reminiscent; remembrance; memory. The other part of memory, called reminiscence, which is the retrieving of a thing at present forgot, or but confusedly remembered. South. I forgive your want of reminiscence, since it is long since I saw you. Sir W. Scott. 2. That which is remembered, or recalled to mind; a statement or narration of remembered experience; a recollection; as, pleasing or painful reminiscences. Syn. -- Remembrance; recollection. See Memory.

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Related words: (words related to REMINISCENCE)

    Negligently; heedlessly.
    Giving dismission.
    A looking back on things past; view or contemplation of the past. Cowper. We may introduce a song without retrospect to the old comedy. Landor.
    Dismission; discharge. Officeholders were commanded faithfully to enforce it, upon pain of immediate dismissal. Motley.
    Etym: 1. To view or see again; to look back on "I shall review Sicilia." Shak. 2. To go over and examine critically or deliberately. Specifically: To reconsider; to revise, as a manuscript before printing it, or a book for a new edition. To go
    Capable of being reviewed.
    A day, May 30, appointed for commemorating, by decorating their graves with flowers, by patriotic exercises, etc., the dead soldiers and sailors who served the Civil War in the United States; Decoration Day. It is a legal holiday in most of the
    1. To send away; to give leave of departure; to cause or permit to go; to put away. He dismissed the assembly. Acts xix. 41. Dismiss their cares when they dismiss their flock. Cowper. Though he soon dismissed himself from state affairs. Dryden.
    Without a token.
    Lit., remember to die, i.e., that you must die; a warning to be prepared for death; an object, as a death's-head or a personal ornament, usually emblematic, used as a reminder of death.
    1. Looking backward; contemplating things past; -- opposed to prospective; as, a retrospective view. The sage, with retrospective eye. Pope. 2. Having reference to what is past; affecting things past; retroactive; as, a retrospective
    One who petitions by a memorial. T. Hook.
    To address or petition by a memorial; to present a memorial to; as, to memorialize the legislature. T. Hook.
    1. To look down upon from a place that is over or above; to look over or view from a higher position; to rise above, so as to command a view of; as, to overlook a valley from a hill. "The pile o'erlooked the town." Dryden. with burning eye did
    One who writes or signs a memorial.
    One who reviews or reëxamines; an inspector; one who examines publications critically, and publishes his opinion upon their merits; a professional critic of books.
    1. Serving to preserve remembrance; commemorative; as, a memorial building. There high in air, memorial of my name, Fix the smooth oar, and bid me live to fame. Pope. 2. Contained in memory; as, a memorial possession. 3. Mnemonic; assisting the
    Not to regard; to pay no heed to; to omit to take notice of; to neglect to observe; to slight as unworthy of regard or notice; as, to disregard the admonitions of conscience. Studious of good, man disregarded fame. Blackmore.
    1. The act of recollecting, or recalling to the memory; the operation by which objects are recalled to the memory, or ideas revived in the mind; reminiscence; remembrance. 2. The power of recalling ideas to the mind, or the period within which
    A livid spot upon the body, indicating, or supposed to indicate, the approach of death. Like the fearful tokens of the plague, Are mere forerunners of their ends. Beau. & Fl. (more info) OS. tekan, D. teeken, G. zeichen, OHG. Zeihhan, Icel. takan,
    1. To signify by some visible object; to show by signs or tokens. A dewy cloud, and in the cloud a bow . . . Betokening peace from God, and covenant new. Milton. 2. To foreshow by present signs; to indicate something future by that which is seen
    Want of remembrance; forgetfulness. I. Watts.
    To survey again or anew; to review. Shak.
    Erroneous or inaccurate recollection.
    Want of retaining power; forgetfulness. De Quincey.


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