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Word Meanings - EVENTUATE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To come out finally or in conclusion; to result; to come to pass.

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    To follow; to pursue; to follow and overtake. "Seek peace, and ensue it." 1 Pet. iii. 11. To ensue his example in doing the like mischief. Golding.
    Resultant. Fuller.
    1. To set a term or limit to; to form the extreme point or side of; to bound; to limit; as, to terminate a surface by a line. 2. To put an end to; to make to cease; as, to terminate an effort, or a controversy. 3. Hence, to put the finishing touch
    1. To leap back; to rebound. The huge round stone, resulting with a bound. Pope. 2. To come out, or have an issue; to terminate; to have consequences; -- followed by in; as, this measure will result in good or in evil. 3. To proceed, spring, or
    The act of resulting; that which results; a result. Donne.
    Being without result; as, resultless investigations.
    To come out finally or in conclusion; to result; to come to pass.
    Resulting or issuing from a combination; existing or following as a result or consequence. Resultant force or motion , a force which is the result of two or more forces acting conjointly, or a motion which is the result of two or more
    A result. "The resultate of their counsil." BAcon.
    HAving results or effects.
    Interminable; interminate; endless; unending. Akenside.
    Separated by bounds. Bp. Hall.
    Not determinate; not certain or fixed; indefinite; not precise; as, an indeterminate number of years. Paley. Indeterminate analysis , that branch of analysis which has for its object the solution of indeterminate problems. -- Indeterminate
    Having the same bounds; conterminous. B. Jonson.
    1. In a determinate manner; definitely; ascertainably. The principles of religion are already either determinately true or false, before you think of them. Tillotson. 2. Resolutely; unchangeably. Being determinately . . . bent to marry. Sir P.
    Endless; as, interminate sleep. Chapman.
    A leader in the dance.
    1. Having defined limits; not uncertain or arbitrary; fixed; established; definite. Quantity of words and a determinate number of feet. Dryden. 2. Conclusive; decisive; positive. The determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God. Acts ii. 23. 3.
    State of being determinate.
    To eliminate, as unknown quantities. (more info) abolish, destroy, drive out or away; ex out + terminus boundary, 1. To drive out or away; to expel. They deposed, exterminated, and deprived him of communion. Barrow. 2. To destroy utterly; to cut
    Nor determinate; not settled or certain; indeterminate. South. -- Un`de*ter"mi*nate*ness, n. Dr. H. More.
    Determined beforehand; as, the predeterminate counsel of God.


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