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Word Meanings - VAULT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

An arched structure of masonry, forming a ceiling or canopy. The long-drawn aisle and fretted vault. Gray. 2. An arched apartment; especially, a subterranean room, use for storing articles, for a prison, for interment, or the like; a cell; a cellar.

Additional info about word: VAULT

An arched structure of masonry, forming a ceiling or canopy. The long-drawn aisle and fretted vault. Gray. 2. An arched apartment; especially, a subterranean room, use for storing articles, for a prison, for interment, or the like; a cell; a cellar. "Charnel vaults." Milton. The silent vaults of death. Sandys. To banish rats that haunt our vault. Swift. 3. The canopy of heaven; the sky. That heaven's vault should crack. Shak. (more info) for voluta, volutio, fr. L. volvere, volutum, to roll, to turn about.

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    One of a succession of niches or platforms, one above another, to hold ore which is thrown successively from platform to platform, and thus raised to a higher level. 2. pl. (more info) a bench, form, stool, fr. L. scamellum, dim. of scamnum
    The sediment of melted tallow. Same as Greaves.
    , adv. Increasingly. The best times were spreadingly infected. Milton.
    Without bounds or confines; illimitable; vast; unlimited. "The boundless sky." Bryant. "The boundless ocean." Dryden. "Boundless rapacity." "Boundless prospect of gain." Macaulay. Syn. -- Unlimited; unconfined; immeasurable; illimitable; infinite.
    1. Resembling death. A deathlike slumber, and a dead repose. Pope. 2. Deadly. "Deathlike dragons." Shak.
    See T (more info) 1. A digger of graves.
    to D. kruipen, G. kriechen, Icel. krjupa, Sw. krypa, Dan. krybe. Cf. 1. To move along the ground, or on any other surface, on the belly, as a worm or reptile; to move as a child on the hands and knees; to crawl. Ye that walk The earth, and stately
    Deadly; fatal; mortal; destructive.
    A cipher writing. Same as Cryptograph.
    An elastic board, secured at the ends, or at one end, often by elastic supports, used in performing feats of agility or in exercising.
    The act of administering a remedy. (more info) 1. The act of exhibiting for inspection, or of holding forth to view; manifestation; display. 2. That which is exhibited, held forth, or displayed; also, any public show; a display of works of art,
    A noose fastened to an elastic body, and drawn close with a sudden spring, whereby it catches a bird or other animal; a gin; a snare. As a woodcock to mine own springe. Shak.
    An ancient military engine for casting stones and arrows by means of a spring.
    One who has a pension or allowance granted for support. A youth who had as an exhibitioner from Christ's Hospital. G. Eliot.
    One who exposes or discloses.
    To run very rapidly; to run at full speed. A runner should be able to sprint the whole way. Encyc. Brit. (more info) Etym:
    One who suppresses.
    Sprightlike, or spiritlike; lively; brisk; animated; vigorous; airy; gay; as, a sprightly youth; a sprightly air; a sprightly dance. "Sprightly wit and love inspires." Dryden. The sprightly Sylvia trips along the green. Pope.
    1. The act of constructing vaults; a vaulted construction. 2. Act of one who vaults or leaps.
    Kept at home.
    In a disproportional manner; unsuitably in form, quantity, or value; unequally.
    Outward bound. Dryden.
    Want of evidence; obscurity. Barrow.
    Warehouse for storing goods.
    A storehouse for wares, or goods. Addison.
    1. A house established for the convenience of the post, where relays of horses can be obtained. 2. A house for distributing the malls; a post office.
    A house or shelter for fowls.
    Disproportional; unsuitable in form, size, quantity, or adaptation; disproportionate; inadequate. -- Dis`pro*por"tion*a*ble*ness, n. Hammond. -- Dis`pro*por"tion*a*bly, adv.
    The state of being disproportional. Dr. H. More.


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