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Practice and improve writing style. Write like Ernest Hemingway

Improve your writing style by practicing using this free tool

Practice and improve your writing style below

Below, I have some random texts from popular authors. All you have to do is, spend some time daily, and type these lines in the box below. And, eventually, your brain picks the writing style, and your own writing style improves!

Practice writing like:

Type these lines in the boxes below to practice and improve your writing style.

"Hey, Looie,' the waiter called to the next room. 'Chaves got cogida.'


'That's all he want do,' she said. Eddie was their older half-brother. He was seventeen.


% It had begun very simply. She liked what he wrote and she had always envied the life he led. She thought he did exactly what he wanted to. The steps by Which she had acquired him and the way in which she had finally fallen in love with him were all part of a regular progression in which she had built herself a new life and he had traded away what remained of his old life.


'I never eat at the hotel. Maybe they cat all right tfcere. Only once in my life I ate at a restaurant in America. You know what they gave me? They gave me pork that was raw!'


'Do you remember when they got going that once before they had the train wreck?'


Chapter XI They came in, out of the wind and the cold, through the main entrance of the Gritti Palace Hotel, into the light and warmth of the lobby.


'With us, if a girl is really beautiful, she comes from Texas and maybe, with luck, she can tell you what month it is. They can all count good though.


'They are worthless,' the Colonel said. Then remembering to be kind, added, 'In our time.'


'Then the front part of the Valhalla Express dropped coloured smoke and turned and went home. This smoke was dropped accurately, and clearly showed the target which was the Kraut positions. They were good positions and it might have been impossible to move him out of them without something mighty and picturesque such as we were experiencing.


'I'm ahead of you,' the Colonel said. 'But let's not be macabre. Ask Donna Renata if she wishes more of this excellent wine.'


“I’m not tight,” Mike said. “Perhaps just a little. I say, Brett, you are a lovely piece.”


“I’m all right,” I said. “My head’s a little wobbly.”


“We have to follow this road along the ridge, cross these hills, go through the woods on the far hills, and come down to the Irati valley,” I pointed out to Bill.


“I shouldn’t think so. She put up most of what I gave to old Montoya.”


I corked up the Fundador bottle and gave it to the bartender.



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